Thursday, March 6, 2025

Immigration Hall of Shame

Immigrants’ List (IL), a bipartisan political action committee, recently revealed the names of 10 Washington politicians who made it into their “Immigration Hall of Shame.”

These politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are characterized as posing the biggest threat to fixing America’s broken immigration system.

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) made the top of the list for his constant anti-immigrant remarks particularly when he proposed an electrified border fence and compared immigrants to livestock.

House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith also made the list for labeling birthright citizenship as a “misinterpretation” of the constitution. Brian Bilbray (R-CA), made the list for his claim that “human smuggling, prostitution, murder and virtual enslavement of human beings” across the border is happening because immigrants are “drawn to this nation by… taxpayer funded jobs.”

North Carolina Democrat Rep. Heath Shuler, who co-authored a deportation plan that would expel more than 12 million people, also made it into the Hall of Shame.  Among others, Rep. Ben Quayle (R-AZ), was inducted for advocating for the reduction of the number of legal immigrants allowed to live in the country.

“Immigration is a fundamental part of America’s heritage, and is essential to the growth and prosperity of our nation. That’s a fact; it’s central to our American character. And it’s something these ten have forgotten,” said IL Board member Amy Novick.

On its website, Immigrants’ List describes itself as “dedicated to meaningful immigration reform that unites families, promotes fair employment practices, and restores America’s welcoming status for those who seek freedom from persecution and a better way of life.”

Huffington Post

The Hill