Friday, October 18, 2024

Why Are Latinos Supporting Obama?

Further analysis of Pew Hispanic Center poll results reveal that while Obama’s race is seen as an asset among Latinos, McCain’s party affiliation is hurting his chances of winning the Latino vote…

The fact that Obama is black appears to be an asset with this constituency. While a majority 53 percent said it wouldn’t make a difference among Hispanic voters, 32 percent said Obama’s race would benefit him. Only 11 percent said it would hurt him. For McCain, on the other hand, while almost 6 in 10 respondents said the Arizona senator’s race wouldn’t make a difference in November, 24 percent said it would actually hurt him; 12 percent indicated his race would help him.

McCain’s party affiliation certainly isn’t helping him, either. Nearly 50 percent of respondents said the Democratic Party has more concern for Hispanics, compared to a dismal 7 percent who said so of the Republican Party

National Journal