Friday, January 3, 2025

Discrimination Against Latinos on the Rise

New Reports Reveal Latinos are increasingly subject to discrimination and questioning regarding their immigration status

Hispanics have begun to see an increase in discrimination regardless of their migratory status. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, nearly one in 10 Hispanics in the United States reports that police or other authorities have stopped them in the last year and asked them about their immigration status.

The report’s co-author, Mark Lopez, characterized the 10 percent finding as “surprising,” but declined to speculate on causes because follow-up questions on the survey were not asked. Rey de los Santos, a Latino leader in Dallas, called the survey’s finding “alarming” and suggested that racial, ethnic or language profiling should be stopped unless it involves a terror suspect. “It is the only way we as U.S. citizens should tolerate that,” said Mr. de los Santos, a North Texas district director for the League of United Latin American Citizens.

In the survey, nearly one in 10 Hispanic adults–native-born U.S. citizens (8%) and immigrants (10%) alike–report that in the past year the police or other authorities have stopped them and asked them about their immigration status. Some Latinos are experiencing other difficulties because of their ethnicity. One in seven (15%) say that they have had trouble in the past year finding or keeping a job because they are Latino. One in ten (10%) report the same about finding or keeping housing.

The increase in reports of discrimination are not surprising given that without comprehensive immigration reform many local law enforcements agencies and local governments have decided to take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile on the campaign trail the issue of immigration has once again become topic of discussion among the candidates. In recent days, surrogates for both John McCain and Barack Obama have begun debating who is to blame for the failure to enact immigration reform in during this session of Congress. As reported on this blog, both campaigns have launched aggressive Spanish language ad campaigns in swing states with Latino populations. McCain claims that poison pills introduced by Obama and other Democrats killed the bill. While surrogates for Obama have denounced those claims insisting that lack of support from Republicans is what lead to the demise of the immigration reform bill. While the candidates argue over blame, it seems people are suffering the real ramifications of the inaction of our federal government.


Pew Hispanic Center


  1. Reynaldo Laureano says

    I have heard and seen incidents like these time after time again. And the motivating drive for my recently published book: POLITICS VS. PREJUDICE IN THE HIGHWAY PATROL.

    It’s just another day in this crazy world of make-believe.