Monday, March 3, 2025

Solis Formally Sworn in as Labor Secretary

This morning, Vice President Joe Biden swore in California Representative Hilda Solis as the next Secretary of Labor, one of three cabinet posts that had yet to be formally filled. Solis is the first Latina cabinet member in the Obama administration.

Biden said, “When she held hearings on sweatshops, she was heard. When she fought to protect low income and minority communities from landfill and pollution and environmental hazards – she was heard. And in Congress, when she stood up, she stood up to level the playing field for workers to organize – she was heard.”

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has already scheduled a primary election for May 19 to fill Solis’s congressional seat.

Former Monterey Park City Councilwoman Judy Chu, who now serves as chair of the State Board of Equalization, has already announced her plan to run, as well as State Senator Gil Cedillo, D-East Los Angeles.

The winner of each party primary will take part in a July 14 special general election to fill the remainder of Solis’ two-year term in the 32nd Congressional District.

Solis has represented a heavily Hispanic populated district which includes parts of eastern Los Angeles County and East Los Angeles in Congress since 2001.

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Los Angeles Times