Thursday, October 17, 2024

President Obama’s First 100 Days Indicates Support from Hispanic Community


The first 100 days of a presidency has been an important bench mark since FDR accomplished so much with the beginnings of his New Deal. At the 100 day mark of President Obama’s time in office many organizations, press outlets and citizens alike are measuring the progress of this new administration. Below is a compilation some of the major Hispanic organizations and Spanish-language media outlets’ views of President Obama’s work to date.

National Council of La Raza: President Obama’s First 100 Days Shows Promise, but There is More Work Ahead

National Hispanic Leadership Agenda: Report on the First 100 Days of the Obama Administration

MSN Latino (EFE): White House reaches out to Hispanics in Obama’s first hundred days,” 4/27/09

Univision (AP):  In his first 100 days, Obama seeks results with Hispanics,” 4/25/09

La Opinión: One Hundred Days: Attentive to Latin America,” 4/27/09

La Opinión: Hundred Days: Obama Defines New Style; President manages to forge image of decisiveness and efficiency,” 4/28/09

CNN en Español:100 Days of Obama: Diplomacy,” 4/27/09

The above news articles originated in Spanish, if you would like to read excerpts of the articles in English the White House Press Office compiled English versions you can find here: Spanish-Language Media Outlets Document Obama Administration Outreach to Hispanics