Friday, March 14, 2025

Supreme Court Justice Nomination Update

The buzz around the Supreme Court nomination is building, especially as it becomes increasingly clear that President Obama is considering a diverse group of candidates – many of whom are women and/or Hispanics. Yesterday, Politico reported that Senator Diane Feinstein would like President Obama to consider two Hispanic judges from California as Judge Souter’s replacement while Senator Barbara Boxer authored a blog yesterday on the Huffington Post to show her support of a woman taking the vacant seat, explaining President Obama has the opportunity to make the highest court more representative of the country it serves.

A New York Times interactive poll shows overwhelming support for Sonia Sotomayor, and today her alma mater’s newspaper published a profile piece detailing her time at Princeton and her accomplishments post-graduation. The Huffington Post reported this afternoon that Sotomayor’s medical history – she is a Type One diabetic – is beginning to enter the debate. The Associated Press puts Sotomayor among the six confirmed names by a White House source, though there are likely to be more said one White House official. Obama is said to be announcing a nominee before the end of the month as the current term of the Supreme Court is ending this summer.

To read the full articles visit:


Barbara Boxer on The Huffington Post

New York Times

Daily Princetonian

Associated Press

The Huffington Post