Thursday, October 17, 2024

Bill Richardson Wins the National Education Association’s “Greatest Education Governor” Award

gov richardson

Earlier this week, the National Education Association (NEA) announced Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico the recipient of their “Greatest Education Governor” award. This annual award is presented to those governors who are proponents of pro-public education reforms.

Governor Richardson implemented a statewide pre-K program, supported a tiered-licensing system for teachers, restored collective bargaining rights for teachers, and led efforts to remove junk food from schools. All the while being a loud critic of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). In 2007 he was the first presidential candidate on the campaign trail to advocate the removal of the law altogether.

He is still an advocate of eliminating the law but believes this is not likely to happen and believes reforming NCLB is essential, including removing “the clauses that hurt schools that are not doing well.” Regarding English-language learners Richardson explained: “First, we need to offer them more English-language instruction. Second, it’s unfair to judge these kids at the same level as other kids [who speak fluent English].” He went further saying the law needs to do more to invest in Indian education.

Education Week