Wednesday, March 19, 2025

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Adrianna Quintero "Latinos use Voces Verdes to Call for Strong Climate and Energy Legislation"


Latinovations would like to thank Adrianna Quintero for her contribution to La Plaza.

Today, La Onda Verde de NRDC, the Latino arm of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is pleased to announce the launch of Voces Verdes.  Voces Verdes was created in partnership with America Verde, an initiative of Common Ground for Conservation and NRDC, to highlight the support of the Latino community for strong climate change legislation. La Onda Verde is proud to stand with hundreds of Latino organizations and individuals to tell those who represent us in Washington that we are committed to passing strong climate change legislation. 

Latinos understand the impacts of global warming, and we care about the impacts it has had and will have on our neighborhoods and businesses.  We also recognize the need for the U.S. to be part of the new energy economy.

Scientists agree that more than a century of burning fossil fuels at ever increasing rates has altered our global environment.  These changes have the potential for catastrophic impacts as whole nations are beginning to see these results, and Latinos are feeling them first-hand:

  • Polluted air in our cities that are puts our children’s health at risk raising asthma rates and lower our quality of life;
  • Heat waves and drought resulting in more weather related deaths and illnesses;
  • Eroding shorelines and disappearing water sources that not only harm the fish and wildlife that depend on them but also the well-being and livelihood of many of our communities;
  • The costs to our businesses and communities due to the increased risk of natural disasters related to climate change and lost tourism revenue that could equal trillions of dollars;
  • And the danger of our continued dependence on foreign oil reliance on foreign oil that tie us to unstable or hostile governments.

But it is not too late. As Latinos, we recognize that the challenges facing our community are many. So many of us have been touched by the economic crisis.  Housing, education and health care concerns are on everyone’s mind.  But in order to have an economically vibrant and sound community, we must have a healthy planet.

Recently, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and John Kerry (D-MA) introduced global warming and clean energy legislation that will help America curb climate change and strengthen our economy. The Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, as it is called, is the right step at the right time. It will help us revive the economy and create jobs when we need them most. It will help us reduce carbon emissions before it’s too late to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. And it will put American in a position of strength and leadership heading into the international climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December.

Taking action on clean energy and climate will cut pollution, create jobs and improve our national security by breaking our dependence on foreign oil. Investments in clean energy will revitalize our neighborhoods, protect our health and guarantee a safer, healthier more prosperous future for our families and children.

Voces Verdes aims to ensure that those who represent us hear Latino businesses, professionals, doctors, nurses, parents, teachers, workers and community members calling for strong climate and clean energy legislation. We want decisive action that will help turn the tide of negative environmental impacts and create a healthier environment and stronger economy for our families and future generations.

It’s our turn to tell our leaders we care. Join your voice to those already calling for action on strong climate and energy legislation. Sign the letter now.

I invite you to join in the chorus of voices from our Latino community that are speaking out in support of strong decisive action to ensure a greener tomorrow.  Together, we can make America mas verde.

For more information or to add your voice on a message to Senators supporting strong climate change legislation, click here.

Adrianna Quintero is the founder and director of La Onda Verde, a program designed to provide Latinos everywhere bilingual access to environmental information and the tools with which to get involved and fight global warming. La Onda Verde is the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Latino Advocacy and Outreach Program.