Monday, March 3, 2025

Growing Hispanic Market Prompts Targeted Advertising Dollars

According to the Hispanic Pew Center, the U.S. Latino population is one of the fastest growing in the nation—accounting for 15.4 percent of the population in 2008.  The media market is taking notice and spending more advertising dollars with Hispanic media outlets.

The newest outlet to launch a website aimed at the Hispanic community is none other than Fox News. On Wednesday, Fox News announced the launching of a new site called FOX News Latino ( The site will provide original news content that will appeal to the Latino community. In addition, the website will feature videos in both English and Spanish and news from Latin America.

Michael Clemente, Fox News’ senior vice president said “About a third of the country is going to be of Latino heritage by 2050 and we thought it was time to launch a site with more of a focus.”

Fox is the first mainstream English news channel to create a site geared specifically towards the Latino community. MSN Latino, Yahoo en Español and AOL Latino have been around for years yet are not national broadcast news stations.

A report by the Hispanic Pew Center emphasizes that dollars geared towards engaging Hispanics online use is a step in the right direction.  In 2008, 64 percent of Hispanics used the internet compared to 54 percent in 2006.


Pew Hispanic Center