Saturday, March 15, 2025

Cuéntame Update: New Video to Shed Light on Lies About 1070

Seeking to dispel some of the lies being propagated by the proponents of SB 1070, Cuéntame, the Facebook-based, social networking site, has just released a video on “This is Why SB 1070 is simply WRONG”.

In it, news clips of interviews with lawmakers who support the law and making outlandish claims are contrasted with facts and figures.  Among them are:

AZ Governor Jan Brewer’s claim that, “Our law enforcement has found bodies in the dessert that have been beheaded…

FACT: no Arizona law enforcement can substantiate this or any claim that any beheaded bodies have been found in the state

AZ Republican State Representative Carl Wimmer ‘s claims that 81% of homicides (yes, 81%) are committed by Hispanics.

FACT: 2008 crime records show the real number to be 37%

US Rep. Brian Billbray (R-CA) rant that illegals are taking jobs from unemployed American citizens

FACT:  “If all unauthorized immigrants were removed from Arizona, the state would lose $26.4 billion in economic activity…” The Perryman Group, an economic and financial analysis firm.

To view the entire video, go to Cuéntame’s Facebook page at:
