Friday, February 28, 2025

Judge’s Ruling Provides Opportunity for AZ Governor

While opponents of SB 1070 celebrated the issuance of a temporary injunction just short of the law’s implementation, Brewer and her supporters are celebrating the fact that this fight has catapulted her into the national spotlight.

Following Wednesday’s ruling on Arizona’s immigration law, SB 1070, Governor Jan Brewer announced plans to appeal U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton’s decision that blocked key parts of the law even if it means taking the fight all the way to the US Supreme Court.

In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, she described yesterday’s decision as, “a little road bump.”   A prolonged legal battle will allow her to remain a de facto spokesperson for the national anti-immigration movement.

A Republican, Brewer served as Secretary of State under then-Governor Janet Napolitano. She became the state’s top official when Napolitano became head of the Department of Homeland Security.  She must run for election in November.

Earlier this year, the bad economy in the state was putting Brewer behind in the polls.  Her numbers catapulted in only one month when she signed SB 1070 into law and became a darling of the far right.   She has formed an alliance with other Republican women who are campaigning for governorships and appeared with Sarah Palin in May.  Palin has spoken out in favor of the Arizona law.

A recent poll by Rasmussen shows that Brewer is ahead over her Democratic opponent for governor Terry Goddard, the state’s current attorney general, by 53% to 35%.  Despite the fact that it is his elected duty, Brewer would not let Goddard defend the State of Arizona in the current SB 1070 lawsuits.

Brewer said that Arizona’s battle with illegal immigration is far from over. She said “In fact, it is just the beginning.”

NY Daily News


  1. Jan Brewer is racist. Her family were Nazis in Germany. Obviously the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.