Thursday, January 30, 2025

Obama and Administration Continue Push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

While on the campaign stump in Albuquerque Tuesday, President Barack Obama said he will continue to fight for comprehensive immigration reform while a White House official in Washington said the debate over the emotional issue may be underway sooner rather than later.

President Obama’s comments came as he travels to several states on behalf of Democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm elections.

“Let’s make sure that the legal immigration system is more fair and efficient than it is right now because if the waiting times were lessened then a lot of people would be more prone to go through a legal route than through an illegal route,” the President said while speaking at a gathering in the backyard of a family home.

The White House Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, Melody Barnes, also spoke yesterday at a think tank event in Washington saying the immigration issue should be addressed sooner than later.

“Ignoring these challenges may be good for the next elections, but it is not good for our country. It does not help us build long-term prosperity,” Barnes said. “And that is why the president has instructed his team, and the White House and his cabinet to work to pass comprehensive immigration reform.”

Barnes said reforming current immigration policies “makes good common sense,” noting that New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D) will introduce comprehensive immigration reform soon.  As previously reported in La Plaza, Menendez’ bill would provide the legislative details of an immigration blueprint introduced by Democratic leaders earlier this year.  The Senator is currently looking for support from both sides of the aisle reaching out to potential Democratic and GOP co-sponsors.

She pointed out that ensuring undocumented workers pay their full share of taxes could help address some of the current fiscal challenges the United States is facing.

The president also added at the backyard gathering that it is just as important to control the entry of immigrants as it is to address the issue of those who are already in the country illegally by providing them with a pathway for legalization.

“Immigrants can actually be a huge source of strength to the country,” the president said.

Tantao News

Latin American Herald Tribune