Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Texas GOP Vows “Crackdown” on Illegal Immigration

The consequences of last Tuesday’s Republican victories are being felt not only on the national stage but on the state level as well.

In Texas, 22 Democrats lost their state seats giving Republicans an overwhelming majority.  The first item on their agenda, the new lawmakers announced, is the “toughest possible crackdown on illegal immigration.”

 Quoted in the Texas Tribune, state rep., Debbie Riddle, says that her party has a mandate from the majority of the population and that “They want their families to be safe.”

Among the Republican proposals are bills to require picture ID s at polling places and a ban on any state agency printing signs or documents in Spanish or any other language.  While similar measures died in past legislative sessions, the new GOP majority at all levels of state government likely will result in passage in at least some of the measures.

In response to his GOP colleagues’ proposals, the head of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, posted on Twitter “Game on.”

USA Today