Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Marcela Pinilla “Give the Gift of ‘Un Mundo Bueno!’”

Latino families yearn for the opportunity to make better lives for their children, and that requires a college degree. That’s what inspired me to write a song to make a difference, “Un Mundo Bueno” – “A Good World” – and to use the song to help Excelencia in Education grow its circle of support.

When we premiered “Un Mundo Bueno” and filmed the video at the Festival Latino in Memphis, I was joined on stage by a group of children who represent the future we are trying to create. I encourage you to visit this special page on Facebook to watch the video we produced.

While you are there, please “like” the page so your friends can see you support the cause of Latino college completion.

As a young girl growing up in my native Colombia, I was blessed with opportunity only because I happened to show musical talent at an early age. However, I realized along the way that, if it weren’t for my music, it would have been very hard for my family to afford to give me an education.

Excelencia in Education is the voice of so many throughout America who are working together to ensure a future of opportunity for Latinos, which will ensure a strong future for all of us. Visit www.edexcelencia.org to learn more about their work.

If you are as inspired as I am by so many working to create a future of opportunity for our children, please use iTunes to share “Un Mundo Bueno” as a gift this holiday season. All of the proceeds go to support our cause.

Don’t forget to watch the video – the children are truly inspiring!