Saturday, February 22, 2025

Romney rolls out Spanish-Language Ad

Despite a history of supporting “English immersion” over bilingual education in Massachusetts, and a harsh stance on immigration, republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney rolled out his first Spanish-language television ad on Wednesday.

As previously reported on La Plaza, the ad came out on the same day that Romney “proudly” received the endorsement by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the author of several anti-immigrant laws across the country.

“I’m not anti-immigrant,” said Romney in New Hampshire in 2007, “I’m happy to communicate to them and I hope they vote for me.”

The contradiction has not been lost on observers, who also pointed it out when Romney enlisted the help of his son for Spanish-language radio and TV ads in South Florida during his 2008 presidential campaign.

The ad is meant to appeal to Miami-Dade County’s influential Latino Republicans like Cuban-American conservatives, who disagree with Romney’s opposition to the DREAM Act.

Romney, whose grandfather and father were Americans born in Mexico,  has referred to the DREAM Act as “amnesty” for undocumented immigrants since it provides a pathway to citizenship, and has been clear that if given the opportunity, he would veto the legislation.

Miami Herald

News Taco