Saturday, February 22, 2025

Americans Speak Out in Support of the EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standard

Health experts, labor leaders, industry leaders, and environmental advocates testified yesterday at two Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearings to show their support for the new EPA carbon pollution standard.

The EPA organized the hearings to gain insight on how the public is reacting to the newly proposed clean air safeguard, the Carbon Pollution Standard, which would for the first time limit industrial carbon pollution for new power plants. This has the potential to greatly improve public health and protect children, as well as the rest of the population, from health-threatening air pollution.

“This EPA clean air standard establishes the first national limits on industrial carbon pollution from new power plants and takes an essential first step toward protecting public health from the harmful effects of carbon pollution,” says Laura Anderko, Robert and Kathleen Scanlon Endowed Chair in Values Based Health Care at Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies. “In the long run, ignoring the impacts of industrial carbon pollution puts us all, especially children, at a greater risk from asthma attacks and other health effects of air pollution.”

Additionally, experts and groups like Voces Verdes and the National Hispanic Environmental Council believe that this initiative will not only improve public health, but also create new clean air technologies and generate more green jobs in America.

Increased temperatures as a result of climate change also makes smog worse and threatens the health of those that can least afford it. Because nearly half (48.8%) of all Hispanics in the United States live in smog nonattainment areas  and since many Latinos work outside in construction and agricultural trades, millions in our communities are often at even greater risk of the damaging health impacts of smog

“Americans see right through the steady drumbeat of lies and exaggerations we are hearing from big industrial polluters – and that’s why we’re witnessing an overwhelming show of support for these clean air standards,” says Gene Karpinski, President of the League of Conservation Voters. “The truth is that by implementing these vital safeguards, we can protect our most vulnerable from harmful air pollution while also jump-starting new clean technologies and industries.”

The comment period to support the EPA carbon rule will remain open until June 25. To date the Carbon Pollution Standard has generated more support from Americans than any other EPA initiative. Those wishing to submit a public comment to the EPA on social media, you may do so here.


  1. […] Americans Speak Out in Support of the EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standard, La Plaza Blog, 5.25.12 […]

  2. […] Americans Speak Out in Support of the EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standard, La Plaza Blog, 5.25.12 […]