Saturday, February 22, 2025

Maria Cardona Hangs Out with Norah O’Donnell and Face the Nation

On Thursday July 12th, Maria Cardona, Dewey Square Group Principal and Latinovations Founder, joined a panel of experts through a Google+ Hangout virtual chat to discuss the 2012 campaign and the importance of the women’s vote. The panel was hosted by CBS’ Norah O’Donnell for Face the Nation, and was comprised of GOP Strategist Leslie Sanchez; Bernard Center for Women, Politics and Public Policy Founder Michelle Bernard, Emily’s List’s Stephanie Shriock, and The Washington Post’s Melinda Henneberger.

The full video of the Google+ Hangout can be seen here.

The discussion touched on a variety of political and social issues that affect and influence women in the United States. However, the two main topics were the economy and the role of women in politics.

“Women of color are definitely suffering disproportionally in this recession,” said Maria Cardona, highlighting that President Obama has “put in place a mechanism that has helped a lot of Latino families, Latina women get jobs, and Latina women keep their healthcare.”

Cardona further offered that the declining number of women involved in politics has created an environment of disproportional representation. Fewer women have been running for the Senate and the House of Representatives has also seen decreasing numbers of women leaders.

“We need more women of color running and winning these races,” says Maria Cardona. Only seven Latina women have served in the U.S House of Representatives. “The bottom line is that we need a Congress that reflects America. Right now the United States Congress does not reflect what this country looks like and I think that is a detriment to society as a whole because we don’t have the diversity of voices that are needed to represent all of the communities that make up this great country.”