Monday, March 31, 2025

Digital Technologies Central to Teaching in the Classroom

Latinos on Mobile Devices
A recent survey from Pew Internet says that teachers in middle and secondary schools have found digital technologies central to their teachings, with 92% saying the Internet has a “major impact” on their ability to “access content, resources, and materials for their teaching”.

Mobile technology is also central to the learning process, as 73% of Advanced Placement (AP) and National Writing Project (NWP) teachers say their students “use their cell phones in the classroom or to complete assignments”.

Latinos in the classroom are naturally affected, given that they are the biggest users of mobile devices for homework compared to other racial and ethnic groups.

In fact, Latinos reportedly have higher levels of usage of smart phones and other digital technologies even outside the classroom.

“These results make sense because if you have a limited budget, a smart phone helps you avoid spending money on a home Internet connection and instead utilize one on-the-go device,” says Leylha Ahuile, Multicultural Analyst for Mintel International. “In addition, since Hispanics are younger than the overall population, they tend to go online more often simply because they are part of the younger generation and grew up with digital media.”

The Pew Internet survey also reports that teachers use several digital tools for assistance in their teachings, such as the Internet, mobile phones, social media, e-readers, and tablet computers.

“Mobile broadband is essential for the economic advancement of Hispanics,” says Gus West, Board Chair of The Hispanic Institute. “In today’s information age, the Hispanic community relies on mobile devices to stay connected for so many aspects of their lives – to do everything from interacting with public officials to paying bills to taking their prescriptions thanks to text-message reminders.”

Pew Internet


  1. […] 92% of teachers in middle and secondary schools saying that the Internet has a “major impact” on their ability to “access content, resources, and […]