Saturday, February 22, 2025

87% of Undocumented Immigrants Would Pursue Citizenship Given Close Ties to American Culture

A new poll from Latino Decisions reveals that if immigration reform passes, an estimated 87% of undocumented immigrants would pursue the steps to become U.S. citizens, and suggests that undocumented immigrants are closely tied to American citizens.

The poll also shows that the reason immigrants come to the United States is for work and to better their families. While undocumented immigrants have deep roots and are not newcomers to the U.S, many are young, with about 81% arriving at or below 30 years old.

“Undocumented immigrants are overwhelmingly in family environments, not in isolation,” says Matt Barreto, Co-Principal at Latino Decisions.

The poll was conducted on behalf of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund and America’s Voice Education Fund.

“Latino undocumented immigrants – have deep roots in America, with strong family and social connections to U.S. citizens, painting a portrait of a community that is very integrated into the American fabric, and hopeful of a chance to gain legal status and ultimately citizenship,” says an interviewer from Latino Decisions.

NBC Latino
Latino Decisions