Today, the much-anticipated film “Cesar Chavez,” premieres in theatres nationwide. The Diego Luna produced film tells the story of the legendary civil rights activist and labor leader, Cesar Chavez, and his pursuit for justice for labor farm workers.
“This is a story of a Mexican-American, a guy who was born here, a hero of this country, a man who brought change to America, a beautiful story that everyone should hear,” said Luna.
The film tells the story of Chavez’s biggest triumph of organizing labor strikes and consumer boycotts to force agricultural growers to recognize the United Farms Workers (UFW) which he co-founded. The efforts of Chavez and his followers led to the passage of the California Agriculture Labor Relations Act in1975, the only law in the country that gives and protects farm worker’s the right to unionize.
“This movie, this film tells the story of a man guided by an enormous faith – faith in a righteous cause and a loving God, and the dignity of every human being,” said President Obama at the Cesar Chavez White House screening. “And it reminds us how throughout our history that faith has been tested, and that it falls to ordinary Americans, ordinary people, to fight and restore that faith.”
Starring in the film is Mexican-American actor Michael Pena staras Cesar Chavez, America Ferrera as Chavez’s wife Helen Chavez, and Rosario Dawson as UFW co-founder Dolores Huerta.
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