Saturday, February 22, 2025

Today: Google + Hangout“ Climate Change’s Impact on the Latino Community”

Voces Google Hangout Gina Speaker (Final) Today626 (2)Voces Verdes and the Environmental Protection Agency will be hosting a Google +  Hangout titled “Climate Change’s Impact on the Latino Community” today at 3:30 PM EST.

The live discussion will feature EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy who will be joined by our own Maria Cardona, Dr. Tomas Morales from the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, CEQ’s Associate Director for Public Engagement Angela Barranco, and moderated by Elianne Ramos, CEO of Speak Hispanic.

During the hangout, our speakers will answer questions and engage in a lively discussion about the unique intersection of climate change and its impact on our community. Speakers will also discuss ways in which we can work towards cutting carbon pollution and protect the health and wellbeing of our families and communities.  We hope you’ll join our hangout which will be easily accessible via Voces Verdes Google + Page.

Who: Voces Verdes and the Environmental Protection Agency

What: A Google + Hangout with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy

When: Today Thursday, June 26 from 3:30 – 4:15 pm EST

Where:Google + Hangout

For more information on the hangout, contact Jose Aristimuño at

To RSVP to the Hangout, please click here.

To watch the Google + Hangout, please click here.


Make sure to follow the conversation on Twitter at #ClimateVoces