Saturday, February 22, 2025

Trump Fumbles and Party Divisions Over Immigration, Foreign Policy In 2nd GOP Debate

2nd debate

Last night’s republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California exposed some rifts among the republican contenders for the 2016 nomination on immigration and foreign affairs, and saw Donald Trump fade slightly as the debate focused more on policy prescriptions rather than personality-centered questions and allowed candidates such as Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard (HP) CEO and failed 2010 California GOP senate candidate and Florida Senator Marco Rubio an opening to make their voices heard in the three hour long match up.

Donald Trump, the real estate billionaire and current GOP frontrunner reiterated his position to end birthright citizenship for immigrants and his preference for candidates to only speak English. “To assimilate you have to speak English, this is a country where we speak English, not Spanish” Trump said while attacking former Florida Governor Jeb Bush as weak on immigration.

Rubio also took issue with Trump’s attack on Bush and his English-only policy, saying “if they get their news in Spanish, I want them to hear it from me not from a translator on Univision.”

Along with Rubio, Carly Fiorina disagreed with Trump with Fiorina placing the blame for a lack of comprehensive immigration reform with democrats while rejecting the idea of deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. Fiorina said the Democratic Party wanted immigration to remain an issue without a solution to fracture the GOP.

According to Trump, when describing his foreign policy, “we would have a much more stable, stable world,” He did not delve into specifics and was eclipsed on the stage by the likes of Fiorina and Rubio with the later riddling off a checklist of ways she would confront Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent aggression in Ukraine and Europe from bolstering the U.S. Navy’s 6th fleet based in the Mediterranean to re-committing to a missile defense shield in Poland.

Fiorina, while emphasizing her desire to put America “back in the leadership business declared that ”Vladimir Putin would get the message.”


Fox News Latino, Latin Post