Saturday, February 22, 2025

Trump is Motivating Latinos To Vote Against And In Favor of Him


Donald Trump heads into Nevada caucus as the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination based in part by his position on immigration. For the first time this primary season Mr. Trump will be competing in a state in which one of five eligible voters is Hispanic, this comes eight months after he called Mexican immigrants “rapists.”

At the same time Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz enter the state’s contest confident they will be able to win over Latino Republican voters who have been offended by Trump’s radical rhetoric on immigration. Latino advocacy groups like Mi Familia Vota believe that the anti-Trump sentiment in the Latino community is inspiring Latinos to get registered and might even help increase the amount of Hispanics becoming U.S. citizens before the general elections in fall.

Even with the vast majority of Latino’s having a negative view of Trump, many Latino Republicans support him and his rhetoric on immigration. Latino Republicans like Patricia Martinelli-Price, who is an interior designer and philanthropist, said the country needs a CEO because “America is a business

“He doesn’t hate us. We are a nation of laws and it’s not just Hispanics who have come to America illegally, they’re from all over the world,” she said. “They’re coming from a border that’s not being controlled. It’s not racist, it’s a business thing. It’s our lives as Americans.”

All polling heading into tonight’s caucus in Nevada have Mr. Trump leading by an large margins and it will be his contest to losing. The question is will the trend of large margin victories continue in the Sliver State?

Fox News Latino