Thursday, March 13, 2025

Trump’s Lack of Response on Mexico’s Harvey Relief Offer

On Sunday, Mexico offer disaster relief assistance in a press release that also addressed the President Trump’s tweets over the weekend. In his tweets, Trump said Mexico would in fact pay for a border wall, and criticized Mexico’s crime rate, as well as saying he is considering terminating the North American Free Trade Agreement.

“The Mexican government … expresses that it has offered to provide help and cooperation to the U.S. government in order to deal with the impact of this natural disaster — as good neighbors should always do in trying times,” read the Mexican government’s statement.

Mexico has previously helped disaster relief efforts, including after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005. In the aftermath of Katrina, a Mexican Army unit crossed the border to set up field kitchens and clinics for refugees in Texas, and a Mexican Navy ship helped recovery efforts in Mississippi.

“If a need for assistance does arise, we will work with our partners, including Mexico, to determine the best way forward,” read statements from White House and State Department officials as reported by the Huffington Post.

The Mexican government’s offer remains on the table. The Trump administration has yet to say whether it will accept a pending offer of disaster relief aid from Mexico following Tropical Storm Harvey.

The Hill