Monday, March 3, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Democrats Should Be Optimistic. Here’s Why

This column was first published in RealClear Politics It is the day before the 2022 midterm elections, and it has been an emotional roller coaster for Democrats. If you believe the polls and most of the coverage in the media, Democrats should be bracing for a Republican red wave as they take control of the […]

Comentarios from Maria: Es hora de proteger a los perros, vote ‘Sí’ en la Enmienda 13

Se dice que el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre. Si es verdad, entonces la pregunta es, por qué existen industrias tan insensibles e inhumanas, que someten a nuestros mejores amigos a semejante crueldad como lo son las carreras de galgos. Estas carreras no son más que una horrible e indecente forma de diversión […]

Comentarios from Maria: Say No to the Separation of Innocent Families

First they came for the Muslims, and we did not remain silent. Now, our community is under attack by the Trump administration, which is fulfilling its promise of massive deportations and we will not remain silent. Last week, agents of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) began enforcing, under the President’s order, the massive deportations […]

Comentarios from Maria: Nuevas órdenes ejecutivas se enfocan en los inmigrantes

Ha pasado un poco más de una semana desde que Donald Trump fue inaugurado como el presidente de Estados Unidos y ya está cumpliendo su promesa de atacar y marginar a las comunidades de color. La semana pasada, el presidente Trump firmó una serie de órdenes ejecutivas de inmigración que incluyen la aceleración de deportaciones para criminales y […]

Comentarios from Maria: The GOP delusion on ObamaCare and Planned Parenthood

So Republicans plan to repeal ObamaCare. Now. Like this week. This is not a surprise given that is what they have been harping on for the past eight years. But what they haven’t done (or had to do until now) is present a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act and give Americans confidence they […]

Comentarios from Maria: Un Año Para Seguir Luchando

!Feliz año amigos!  Al final de este año y a comienzos del próximo, me parece justo y necesario que analicemos cómo nos fue en el 2016 y pensar como queremos enfrentar el 2017. Los ciclos electorales como lo fue el 2016 ponen a prueba el tipo de nación, pueblo y personas que queremos ser y […]

Comentarios from Maria: Uniting the country must come through actions

“The President of the Divided States of America” … that is how TIME magazine described president-elect Donald Trump after being named Person of the Year. The prestige of carrying the “Person of the Year” title has always been questionable since it is customary to give the cover of the magazine to the person who has […]

Comentarios from Maria: El episodio de Miss Universo alcanza el cenit de la campaña

En el primer debate presidencial del lunes 26 por la noche, Hillary Clinton atacó a Donald Trump agarrándolo desprevenido cuando la ex Secretaria de Estado le recordó a Trump acerca de la ex Miss Universo que, después de ganar la corona en 1996 y subir un poco de peso, Trump degradó a la joven de […]

Comentarios from Maria: Using Voting as a Weapon Against Racism, Intolerance and Xenophobia

“An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud,” Donald Trump tweeted in 2012. Since then, Donald Trump has repeated this lie and continued to question the citizenship of the President of the United States. Although many people fought against this lie, none of them had […]

Comentarios from Maria: Trump demanding Clinton transparency is dishonest hypocrisy

This campaign season is unorthodox. That is an understatement. But we have also let fester an insidious and dangerous layer of false equivalence and normalization of hate that has settled upon how the campaigns are covered, talked about and perceived. For the good of the voters, it has to stop. What is this false equivalence […]