Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Preventive Health is Key to Latinos

In late November, Latino families usually gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and prepare for the upcoming holidays. It is a time where we reflect on our lives and spend quality time with our loved ones Although there is no doubt that this season is an opportunity to reconnect with our friends and family, it is […]

Comentarios from Maria: La Salud Preventiva es Clave para los Latinos

A finales de noviembre, los Latinos solemos reunirnos en familia para celebrar el Día de Acción de Gracias y prepararnos para las fiestas navideñas que están por llegar. Es una época donde tendemos a reflexionar y pasarla bien con nuestros seres queridos. Aunque no hay duda que esta temporada es una oportunidad para reconectarnos con […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Truth About Climate Change

The earth has a powerful way of reminding us who is in charge. In the past month, our Mother Earth has been sending us a message loud and clear: climate change is happening now and the impact can be devastating. Scientists remind us that there is no storm that can definitively be attributed to climate […]

Comentarios from Maria: Los republicanos deben abandonar su capricho con Obamacare

Digan lo que digan, lo verdad es que gracias a Obamacare, alrededor de 10 millones 200 mil latinos que anteriormente no tenían acceso a un seguro de salud, ya lo pueden tener. ¿Hasta cuándo podemos aguantar tanta hipocresía de parte de los republicanos? En los últimos días hemos visto qué tan bajo el partido de […]

Comentarios from Maria: Republicans Should Abandon Their Obsession With Obamacare

 How long can we put up with so much hypocrisy from the Republicans? In recent days we have seen how low the Republican party is willing to go in order to try and score political points. The same party that in recent years has been obsessed with eliminating Obamacare, now complains that people cannot join […]

Comentarios from Maria: Los latinos, claves en elecciones de Virgina y Nueva Jersey

Una vez más, fue obvio el papel que jugaron los latinos en estas elecciones para llevar a los respectivos ganadores hacia la victoria. El martes 5 de noviembre, el pueblo estadounidense acudió a las urnas de votación para elegir a los futuros gobernadores de los estados de Nueva Jersey y Virginia Y una vez más, […]

Comentarios from Maria: Latino, Key in Virginia and New Jersey Elections

  On Tuesday, November 5, the American people went to the polls to elect the future governors of the states of New Jersey and Virginia. And once again, it was obvious that the role played by Latinos in these elections to bring the respective winners to victory, was extremely important. In Virginia, voters elected Democrat […]

Commentarios from Maria: La Reforma de Salud en Massachusetts debería ser un aprendizaje para los republicanos

Es cierto que el sitio web de Obamacare ha tenido algunas fallas tecnológicas, pero es importante señalar que los beneficios de Obamacare van más allá del sitio web. Los republicanos deben calmarse y dejarse de hipocresías. Esta semana, la rabia republicana sobre la falta de funcionamiento del sitio de Internet de la Ley de Salud […]

Commentarios from Maria: Health Reform in Massachusetts should be a learning experience for Republicans

The Republicans should calm down and quit their hypocrisy. This week, I found it amusing how the Republican anger over the non-functioning website for the Healthcare Law Obamacare since they themselves have made ​​efforts to repeal the law. Before we continue with these hypocrisies, Republicans should be very careful and look at the history of […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Boehner’s choice: Tea party or America?”

Speaking to the nation after Congress reached a deal to reopen the government and temporarily raise the debt ceiling, President Barack Obama said we are “Americans first” and need to put partisan interests aside to get things done. But can we? The recent shenanigans do not bode well for the future. The resolution of the […]