I appeared on a couple of segments on CNN this week where the topic was the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. A question raised was whether this was political. The Republican/tea party spokesperson said yes, arguing that labor unions were behind it (in fact the labor unions did not join until this week). I said it […]
Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “No Casa Blanca for the GOP”
As a Democrat, predictably, I find all of the presidential candidates and the policies they support anathema to everything I believe this country needs right now. Their “solutions” are regurgitated failures that have been tried before and are a big reason President Obama inherited an economy on the brink of another Great Depression. As a […]
Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Perry’s Hiding Record Behind Angry Rhetoric”
Texas Gov. Rick Perry wants to be the next president of the United States. He announced his candidacy on Saturday and has since campaigned like an angry bull cornered by a Matador, no-holds barred–even going so far as to seem to threaten bodily harm to the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Ben Bernanke. This […]
Comentarios de Maria Cardona: “Elections a Triumph for Latinos”
As featured in The Progressive Media Project: Nov. 2 was a victory for Latinos. In several key contests, including those in California, Nevada and Colorado, the Latino vote was decisive for Democrats. And Republicans have themselves to blame for this. Many Republican candidates ran terrible ads against Latino immigrants. Those ads were effective, all right. […]
Guest Blogger Series: Maria Cardona and Alicia Menendez “To Vote is Power”
As featured in The Hill: This year, Latino voters like many voters, are angry and anxious. But they aren’t stupid. As has been reported widely, a conservative third-party group called “Latinos for Reform,” recently released an ad in which the narrator says: “Don’t vote this November. This is the only way to send [Democrats] a […]
Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Arizona: Pariah state or mainstream?
Maria’s response to a new poll by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. The poll shows the public broadly supports provisions of the Arizona law giving police increased powers to stop and detain people who are suspected of being in the country illegally. The results of this poll are not surprising in […]
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