Monday, March 3, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Now Is The Time To Register And Vote

After the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire things are clear, these elections are very important to define the future of this country. Since the beginning of this election cycle there has been a very dangerous dialogue going on within the Republican Party in which candidates for the presidential nomination continue their odyssey of demonizing […]

Comentarios from Maria: Cruz Is not Qualified To Be President, But That’s Not Because Of His Citizenship

There are many reasons why Ted Cruz would be a terrible president. None of them have to do with where he was born. Texas senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is emerging as the strongest alternative to Donald Trump, who continues to lead in the national polls for the GOP nomination. The Senator, who […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Most Memorable Moments for Democrats

In the spirit of this holiday season, let’s go over 2015 and the number one reason why Democrats believe that this was an exceptional year, with many gifts and political gain, because instead of spreading hope and joy, the Republican Party did nothing but instill fear in a constituency that needs leaders, not warmongers that […]

Comentarios from Maria: Who Is Tougher and More Manly

Last Week’s Republican debate was a contest reminiscent of a “Saturday Night Live” skit entitled “¿Quien es mas macho?” In Spanish that means who is tougher and more manly. Sadly, we need much more than a macho man or woman. In the case of the presidency, that would mean a leader focused on solutions, not […]

Comentarios from Maria: Do Not Fall Into the Traps of Terrorism And Xenophobia

It is not too late to register and turn out to vote … for our future. Do you know who said “we’re not generating enough angry white men to stay in this business for the long term”? No, not Donald Trump, it was another candidate running for the GOP nomination, the senator from South Carolina, […]

Comentarios from Maria: Executive Actions-An Important Victory

We know that members of the Republican Party have made every effort to block any action to relieve the situation of the undocumented community in this country. We must not forget that the people that Republicans want to continue to suffer under the current immigration laws are the same people who came to this country […]

Comentarios From Maria: Achievements to Celebrate This Thanksgiving Day

We must celebrate President Obama and his administration’s hard fought policy achievements in the face of partisanship, division and inaction, and give thanks as Americans and be proud that the president’s achievements are achievements for us all. We’re almost ready to end the year and ring in 2016. But first, as has been done in […]

Comentarios from Maria: Xenophobia and Intolerance Towards Refugees

These gentlemen say there is no way to verify that the refugees are not members of the terrorist group Islamic State. It is not true. With the controversy over the hundreds of thousands of refugees escaping from Syria, we are at a turning point for our country in which we have to decide how we […]

Comentarios from Maria: Donald Trump Glorifies Operation “Wetback”

In his latest disregard of the Latino community during the fourth Republican debate last Tuesday night, Donald Trump insisted on the need for a deportation plan and used as an example the controversial expulsions of undocumented immigrants that occurred during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower (1953 -1961). That effort, officially called Operation Wetback, was an […]

Comentarios From Maria: Paul Ryan’s Immigration Reform Tantrum!!! 

As of last week we now have a new speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States. The new occupant of that position is no less than Representative Paul Ryan. Yes, the same Paul Ryan who was chosen as the vice presidential candidate by Republican Mitt Romney in 2012. The same Paul Ryan […]