Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Our Community Will Not Forget

Last week, one of the most conservative federal appeals courts in the country decided to uphold the suspension of President Obama’s executive orders on immigration that would have brought relief to millions of undocumented immigrants, through the expansion of DACA and the introduction of the DAPA programs. As you might recall, in February a group […]

Comentarios from Maria: Republican obstructionism will not squander our dreams

May 19 could have been a transformative day for millions of undocumented immigrants who qualified for the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program, and the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. But unfortunately, last Tuesday was a dark day for many in our community, thanks […]

Comentarios from Maria: For Latino voters, a candidate’s last name is irrelevant, what matters is their substance

One of the few certainties that has emerged during this election cycle is that any Republican candidate who hopes to reach the White House has to win at least 40 percent of the Hispanic vote. With approximately 25 million eligible voters, the sheer magnitude and influence of Latino voters is a demographic reality that nobody […]

Comentarios from Maria: Hillary Clinton will fight for fair and effective immigration reform

In case some had any doubts about Hillary Clinton’s stance on immigration, they now have a very clear answer. The presidential contender said she will not rest until achieving true immigration reform that provides a clear path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants. Hillary assured that she would not allow the partisanship that has […]

Comentarios from Maria: The debate over marriage equality

Last week, the Supreme Court took a historic step by considering one of the most controversial and enduring civil rights struggles of our time: if marriage equality is a right protected by our Constitution. Although we are still months from a final decision, I am certain that the justices of the Court will not lose […]

Comentarios From Maria: Why voters won’t fall for Rubio

Marco Rubio has officially waded into the waters of the 2016 Republican nomination for the presidency. The senator has the gift of oratory and a compelling family story that he tells so well. He seems to embody the quintessential American Dream and it is clear he hopes his story will speak to many Americans, who […]

Comentarios from Maria: Hillary Clinton, a leader to defend and unite our country

The wait is over. Hillary Clinton has officially entered the race for the presidency of the United States because she recognizes that Americans need a champion who is ready to fight for the progress and future of our country. The video that launched the campaign of the ex-Secretary of State shows us that she truly […]

Comentarios from Maria: Rand Paul Goes Against His Own Record

Last week, Rand Paul, the Republican senator from Kentucky and Tea Party favorite, became the second candidate to join the race for the White House, declaring that he would be “a new type of Republican.” The truth is that there is nothing distinguishing Paul from the rest of the party: the inconsistency and incoherence which […]

Comentarios from Maria: Republican Budget Would Be Disastrous for the Community and the Country

Last week, Republicans in the House and Senate passed a federal budget that tramples on workers and the middle class, and damages aspirations for a better future for their children. The Republican Party and its extremist philosophy seem to forget that it serves a democracy and not just its conservative base and the most privileged […]

Comentarios from Maria: Ted Cruz and his Agenda of Contradictions

Imagine a world in which the junior Republican Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, were president of the United States. He announced last week his candidacy for the post. And in doing so, the Senator asked the American people to imagine how different the world would be with him as our president. The reality is that […]