Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: A Historic Moment for Obamacare

The numbers speak for themselves: Obamacare is not just working, it’s thriving. According to the latest figures released last week by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 16.4 million Americans have obtained health coverage. This figure marks the biggest reduction in the rate of people with medical insurance in 40 years. The law’s […]

Comentarios from Maria: The broken bond between Republicans and Latinos

They finally threw in the towel. Last week, House Republicans abandoned their dangerous game with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding and passed a budget without any provisions blocking President Obama’s immigration measures. For now, our community can breathe a sigh of relief knowing this latest Republican persecution has ended – but for how […]

Comentarios From Maria: John Boehner’s lack of leadership and its disastrous consequences

We’ve seen this movie before, and we know that it does not end well. In 2013, Republicans in Congress demonstrated that they were willing to shut down the government and lead our country to the brink of disaster because the battle over the end of year budget did not sway in their favor.  Now, Republicans […]

Comentarios from Maria: Republicans have dug their own political grave upon suspending the President’s executive actions

Republicans have gone from bad to worse. On Tuesday night, February 17, a federal judge in Texas, Andrew Hanen, responding to the demand initiated by the GOP against President Obama, decided to temporarily suspend the President’s executive actions that would have provided protection to five million undocumented immigrants just one day before the program was […]

Comentarios From Maria: Listen Up GOP-Climate Change is a priority for Latinos

A few weeks ago, we heard the president’s State of the Union Address where he stated that there is no greater challenge or threat facing future generations than climate change. Without question, this message resonated deeply with the Latino community because conservation and respect for the environment are fundamental parts of our histories and cultures. […]

Comentarios From Maria: Obamacare offers our community immense opportunities: enroll today!

As the deadline to enroll for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) looms closer, I find myself thinking about the saying: the greatest wealth is health. It is a sentiment that Vice President Joe Biden recently echoed while he spoke about the ACA and the transcendence of a subject like health; something that truly interests and affects […]

Comentarios from Maria: Discord and Dissonance in the new Republican Congress

Four weeks after assuming control of both chambers of Congress, the new Republican majority finds itself divided and in a state of chaos. Last week, members of the National Security Commission in the House of Representatives approved an extremist bill that seeks to secure and militarize the border with Mexico even more. Yet this week, […]

Comentarios from Maria: The State of the Union is Strong

In his annual State of the Union address, President Obama was bold and inspiring, assuring us that the state of the Union is strong. The President challenged the Republican Party, but was conciliatory and hopeful in tone. The speech really should have been called “The Audacity of Progress.” With a new pep in his step […]

Comentarios from Maria: Republicans Play Russian Roulette with our National Security

First, I send my heartfelt condolences to families in Paris after last week’s horrific terrorist attacks. As a nation, we are always reminded of the ever-present and growing threat of terrorism that exists around the world. Taking these resurgent threats into account, it is alarming, shocking and irresponsible that the Republicans in the House of […]

Comentarios From Maria: New Republican Congress Gets Off on the Wrong Foot

Last week, I wrote about the optimism we all should have for this year, with more collaboration and progress. Yet it appears Republicans in the new Congress are not interested in breaking the vicious cycle of obstructionism from the last Congress. This week, Rep. Robert Aderholt, a Republican from Alabama, proposed legislation that would effectively […]