Sunday, March 16, 2025

Guest Blogger: Joe Ray “Our Holiday Tradiciones”

Growing up near the Mexican border and having spent a few of my first few Holiday seasons in Sonora as well as Arizona, provided me the opportunity to observe and take part in various Holiday traditions. My family’s personal tradition of devotion was honoring Our Lady (La Virgen) de Guadalupe on December 12. This began […]

Guest Blogger Series: Rafael Fantauzzi “The Fiscal Cliff and the National Debt: A Hispanic Call to Action”

Our nation is just two weeks away from the fiscal cliff, the series of tax increases and automatic spending cuts that threaten to derail our fragile economic recovery. If we go over the cliff, the median Hispanic family of four would see an income tax increase of $2,200. An abrupt change like this, coupled with […]

Guest Blogger Series: Robert Deposada “La Comay Controversy: Free Speech or Instigating More Hate Crimes?”

Freedom of speech is one of the most important rights we enjoy under our Constitution, and one that we must protect at all costs. However, this right has its limits. For instance, you can’t scream “Fire!” in the middle of a crowded theatre, because of the harm it can cause others around you. And promoting […]

Guest Blogger: Cecilia Muñoz “Hispanic-American Families Just Can’t Afford Tax Increases”

As the debate over the so-called “fiscal cliff” in Washington continues, much of the conversation centers on deficit reduction, revenues, and tax rates. But what is easily lost in that conversation is the very real meaning this has for families all across America. The fact is Hispanic-American families just can’t afford tax increases right now, […]

Guest Blogger: Dr. Evelyn Montalvo-Stanton “In Hurricane Sandy’s Aftermath, Let’s Prepare Better For Storms’ Impact on Health”

For me, the most memorable impacts of Hurricane Sandy arrived at my door after the floodwaters receded. In Newark, New Jersey where I work as a pediatric pulmonologist, the floods gave way to a rapid growth of mold and other lung irritants, and my patients are feeling the strain with every breath they take. In these predominantly […]

Alfredo Estrada “NO MAS HAMBRE Initiative Seeks to Raise Awareness of Hunger in the Latino Community; Join LATINO Magazine at the NO MAS HAMBRE Summit on December 7!

Are you hungry? For most of us, the question is what new restaurant we’ll try… Cambodian or Cajun. But the grim truth is that nearly one third of Latinos go hungry. For them, hunger means wondering when they’ll eat next, and how they’ll feed aging parents and young children.  It’s the most critical issue confronting […]

Guest Blogger: Alfredo Estrada “Join us at the NO MAS HAMBRE Summit in Washington DC!”

Each year, Americans celebrate that peculiar holiday known as Thanksgiving. We gather with our families at tables groaning with roast turkeys, stuffing and cranberry sauce and give thanks for the privilege. Yet last year nearly 50 million Americans had nothing to celebrate, and went hungry. And for Latinos the figures are even grimmer. About 26.2% […]

Guest Blogger: Marcus Atkinson “How Obama Won”

Tuesday, Latinos showed their political strength. The country knew the numbers, but on that day the power of numbers shown through as millions of Latinos went to the polls and expressed their right through the power of votes, and led Obama to victory, largely through the swing states. According to the Pew Hispanic Research Center, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Adrianna Quintero “Yet Another Poll Shows Latinos Want Political Candidates Who Support Clean Air and Clean Energy”

Last week, a poll of Latino voters in Colorado again showed that when it comes to environment, Latinos want political candidates who support clean air and clean energy. A poll released last week by Latino Decisions on behalf of Nuestro Rio showed that Latino voters in Colorado want oil shale companies to disclose any potential […]

Guest Blogger: Drew Brown “Budget Control”

As the countdown to the Presidential Election continues, there is plenty of finger-pointing, political ad content and rhetoric to sift through. One of the biggest areas of debate among the candidates across the board relates to the United States budget, our deficit and growing debt. With so much information out there, how do you know […]