Monday, March 17, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Diana Campoamor “Imagining Stronger Latino Communities: Be HIP and Give.”

Latinos make up more than 50 million people in the U.S. today, and we’re growing by more than one million a year. Just counting Latinos in the U.S., we are the second largest Spanish-speaking country in the world and the 15th largest consumer economy. By 2025, we will no longer be in the minority: half of US workers […]

Guest Blogger Series: Marcela Pinilla “Give the Gift of ‘Un Mundo Bueno!’”

Latino families yearn for the opportunity to make better lives for their children, and that requires a college degree. That’s what inspired me to write a song to make a difference, “Un Mundo Bueno” – “A Good World” – and to use the song to help Excelencia in Education grow its circle of support. When […]

Guest Blogger Series: Carlo Garcia “Let’s Put the Giving Back in Thanksgiving”

When I was a boy, I witnessed my mother give the little we had to a variety of charities, especially around the holidays. Whether it was spare change in the car or canned food for the food drives at school, my mother instilled in us at a young age the importance of giving back and […]

Guest Blogger Series: Nancy Keenan “Exposing the Deceptive Practices of Anti-Choice “Crisis Pregnancy Centers””

Picture this: You’re scared that you might be pregnant. You see an ad for a free pregnancy test and counseling. You call the number and make an appointment. During your consultation, you’re told that birth control is the same as abortion and that if you have an abortion, you will probably get breast cancer. You’re […]

Guest Blogger Series: Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez (Ret) “Letter to Veterans”

Happy Veterans Day. I would like to thank all Veterans of the U.S. military for your service to our nation.  On this day of observance, remembrance, and appreciation, there is much for which to be grateful.  Veterans everywhere have reason to be proud.  And we all have reason to honor their service.  Throughout our history, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jason Llorenz “The Latino Digital Divide: A Presentation For #LATISM11”

This week, I will be leading a panel in Chicago for LATISM – an online community of Latinos in Social Media, as a part of their annual conference. LATISM is made up of thousands of Latino social media participants — bloggers, tweeters, and online conversants who use social media to build community online under the […]

Guest Blogger Series: Hector Balderas “Why Cain’s Electrified Fence Is Not So Shocking”

An electrified fence. On the border. Designed to kill people. Along with “real guns with real bullets.” This is the immigration “plan” recently proposed by Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. And he’s one of his party’s frontrunners. There’s no question that immigration is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. No one wants to […]

Guest Blogger Series: Salomón Baldenegro “Mexican American History: A Patriotic History”

In Tea Party Republican Arizona, teaching Mexican American history is illegal because that history is purportedly “un-American” and foments the “overthrow of the government.” The shamelessness of people who rally under the Confederate flag—a flag of treason, whose adherents renounced their U.S. citizenship, declared war on our country, and actually tried to overthrow our government!—claiming […]

Guest Blogger Series: Nancy Keenan “No-Cost Birth Control Becomes a Reality”

Ninety-eight percent of American women use birth control during their lifetime. Yet for many women, it’s simply too expensive. One in three women has struggled with the high cost of prescription birth control. And 50 percent of Latinas say there has been a time when the high cost of prescription contraception meant they couldn’t use […]

Guest Blogger Series: Lisa Pino “USDA Programs Can Help Latinos Overcome the Hunger and Obesity Paradox”

No one should go hungry in America, especially children. However, far too many Latino children and their families are experiencing hunger every day. At a time when so many are struggling to put food on the table, it is critical for Latino families to know about help that is available. In that spirit, the Department […]