Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Rene Alegria “MAMIVERSE: Unleashing the Power of Mom”

My own Latina mom and aunt raised my three male cousins and me. Four boys roughly the same age living within a few blocks of one another can do a lot of damage. We started to do just that. Our moms put an end to that, fast. After doing what they were supposed to at […]

Guest Blogger Series: Felix Sanchez “Latinos Would Benefit From AT&T Merger”

Alex Nogales’ July 28 opinion piece seriously underestimates the level of support and mischaracterizes the effect of the proposed merger of AT&T and T-Mobile USA on the Hispanic community. Let’s look at Nogales’ objections in turn. Nogales leads off by claiming that not all civil rights organizations support the merger. He is correct on this […]

Guest Blogger Series: Nancy Keenan “Fighting for Reproductive Rights for Every Woman”

They appeared last month in Los Angeles: billboards that read in Spanish and English “El lugar más peligroso para un Latino es el vientre de su madre/The most dangerous place for a Latino is in the womb.” These billboards are the latest front in a cynical campaign by anti-choice activists targeting women of color. For […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jorge Bauermeister “Telecom, Wireless, and Broadband Offer Untapped Economic Potential for the U.S. and Latinos”

The economy of the United States has been at a standstill since 2008.  Job creation has stagnated, and economic performance has businesses worried.  Despite these negatives, the potential for the American economy and workforce remains promising.  Through the power of technology, the economy can recover with positive job creation and strong business growth. In 2010, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Christian E. Weller “Lifting the Federal Debt Ceiling Key to Latino Prosperity”

Latino families, like African-American and white families, eagerly await a recovery in the U.S. housing market. Their economic security desperately depends on such a recovery, yet the housing market could face another crisis if Republicans in Congress get their way and the federal debt ceiling—the amount that the federal government can borrow—is not raised or […]

Guest Blogger Series: Anna Gomez “Broadband and the Latino Community: Let’s Keep the Momentum Going!” (republished)

Yesterday I was happy to participate in a panel discussion about broadband at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) annual conference in San Antonio. NALEO members recognize that broadband Internet is one of the tools necessary to help their communities thrive in today’s economy. In fact, I think that any conference […]

Guest Blogger Series: Randy Parraz “Senator McCain – Uses one fire to start another”

Most recently Arizona has been in the national headlines because of the outbreak of wildfires.  At no time in our history have we ever experienced fires of this scale, that have consumed hundreds of thousands of acres and left many Arizonans without a home to return to.   So one would expect someone like Senator John […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jason LLorenz “What The AT&T/T-Mobile Deal Really Means for Latinos”

Over the past weeks and months, the debate has raged over the AT&T and T-Mobile merger, with supporters and detractors pushing their positions.  In the mix has been a great many voices — including advocates and organizations claiming to represent the interest of different groups. Below are four reasons why Latino community leaders support the […]

Guest Blogger Series: Sheriff Adrian Garcia “Keeping Harris County-Southeast Texas Safe”

My job as the sheriff of Harris County – a county of more than 4 million people – is to help keep them safe. Harris County is a growing and vast metropolitan area in southeast Texas – home to one of the most culturally rich cities in the nation. Our size and diversity present constant […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jason Llorenz “Latino Community Leaders Highlight Interests and Opportunities in AT&T Merger”

As represented in the FCC docket, the proposed merger of AT&T and T-Mobile has received substantive support from national Hispanic organizations including Hispanic Federation, the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL); the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA); the US Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI), the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), LULAC, and […]