Tuesday, March 18, 2025

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Gus West “Hispanic Leaders Must Step Up Against Attacks on Immigrants”

The legacy of Hispanic culture is intricately woven into the fabric of American history.  It’s apparent in the names of U.S. cities and states like San Francisco, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Nevada, Colorado and Florida, just to name a few. In fact, by the time the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, Ponce de […]

Guest Blogger Series: Folayemi Agbede “The Wisconsin Fight: What People of Color Have at Stake”

Images of Latino, Native American, Black, and Asian Wisconsinites are proving elusive in the media coverage of the fight for workers’ rights beyond a recent appearance by the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Despite this visual absence it remains evident to many that people of color have much to lose in Gov. Scott Walker’s recently passed state […]

Guest Blogger Series: Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis “At the Table”

I was “raised union.” My mother, who immigrated to the United States from Nicaragua, worked the 3 p.m. to midnight shift at a toy factory after the birth of my younger twin sisters. She was a member of the United Rubber Workers, which later merged with the Steelworkers Union. My father worked at a battery […]

Guest Blogger Series: Texas State Rep. Aaron Peña “Hispanic Conservatism: Its Emergence in Texas Politics”

At La Plaza we believe robust and spirited dialogue is most conducive towards the betterment of the Latino community.  As such we invited Texas State Rep. Aaron Peña to share his thoughts on why he switched parties last December after being re-elected as a Democrat to his 5th term.  After his re-election he switched to […]

Guest Blogger Series: Henry Fernandez “Arizona Under Fire”

Jury Convicts Minuteman Leader of Murder A jury in Pima County, Arizona, convicted Shawna Forde of the murder of 9-year-old Brisenia Flores and her father in a May 2009 home invasion. The jury will now decide whether Forde will face the death penalty. Forde’s alleged co-conspirators will go on trial in the coming months. Forde […]

Guest Blogger Series: Sylvia Manzano “New Census Data Show Fundamentals of Democracy Require Addressing Latino Interests”

Today the US Census bureau released the Texas state file including race and ethnicity details.  Latinos now account for 38% of Texas population (up from 32% in 2000) and grew by over 100% in 17 counties.  While demographers and casual observers knew the Texas numbers would be big, the details are still striking to see: […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “The Positive Steps Made In Making Our Southern Border Safer”

Why The Current Debate About Security Ignores The Positive Steps Made In Making Our Southern Border Safer In the current debate over immigration there is near unanimous agreement that our system is broken.  With Congress currently split by party, one of the shrillest arguments before the American people is over securing our southern border before […]

Guest Blogger Series: Rep. Charles A. Gonzalez “Actions can prove Will to find Immigration Solution”

Sen. John Cornyn‘s call to go beyond words and create a “credible and compassionate” solution to fix our broken immigration system provides supporters of comprehensive immigration reform efforts in Congress with a rare, bipartisan opportunity: We should take him up on it. Unfortunately, although his recent overtures and sensible tone on this subject are very welcome, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Rep. Mike Honda “Immigration Reform Makes Cents”

House Speaker John Boehner’s recent selection of Rep. Elton Gallegly of California over Rep. Steve King of Iowa to head the Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee is one step closer to the kind of reform for which past administrations, including those of former Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, had long called. Both […]

Guest Blogger Series: Hector E. Sanchez “A Strong Social Security, Central to the Future of the Latino Community”

As featured in the Huffington Post: Social Security is central to the economic security of all Latinos, young and old alike. For 75 years it has played a vital role in providing a safety net for the protection millions of retirees, disabled workers and aged widowers.  Social Security has mitigated economic hardship for vulnerable communities, […]