Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Rep. Charles A. Gonzalez “Who are Republicans Listening to? Not Latinos”

As featured in the The Huffington Post: In the past two months two prominent Republican leaders hosted national conferences to address what many call the Republican’s Latino “problem.” Former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s group, The Americano, held its first Hispanic Conference in Washington DC in December and just this past week, former Governor Jeb Bush’s first […]

Guest Blogger Series: Alan Acosta “Fighting HIV/AIDS in the Latino Community”

Each December, we stop for a day to raise awareness about the AIDS pandemic, to commemorate those who have died and advocate for increased access to prevention and treatment services for those who are living with the disease. And while December has become a time to reflect on the battle against HIV, we all know […]

Guest Blogger Series: Arturo Vargas “New Census Numbers Portend Significant Latino Role”

This Op-Ed orginally appeared in The Huffington Post. For the Latino community in particular, Tuesday December 21 is a very big day, and it has nothing really to do with the holidays but rather with numbers and more numbers. The U.S. Census Bureau today releases its official 2010 population figures for the nation, and congressional […]

Guest Blogger Series: Matt Barreto “Senators Who Opposed DREAM Act May Face Latino Roadblocks in 2012”

Yesterday the U.S. Senate failed to invoke cloture on the DREAM Act (HR 5281), ending the chance for any legislative accomplishments on the issue of immigration. While much of the last two years was spent addressing the issues of health care reform, and the economy, to Latino voters a third issue loomed as being equally […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jessica Arons “Hyde Amendment Detrimental to Latina Reproductive Health”

Latinovations thanks Jessica Arons for her contribution to La Plaza, which is an exclusive adaptation of an article that was originally published in Spanish on the Center for American Progress website. Abortion funding policies in this country are discriminatory and put abortion care out of reach for the women who need it the most: low-income […]

Guest Blogger Series: Juan Proaño “Will You Donate $2 Today?”

Engaging the Hispanic Community in Online Fundraising & Advocacy Every day, more and more Latinos and Latinas are going online. Whether for work, for play or to advance social causes, Latinos are increasing their presence and exercising political will with their laptops and cell phones. The mystery to many Latino advocacy and civil rights organizations […]

Guest Blogger Series Exclusive Edition: Tim Kaine and Michael Steele “Who Should Latinos Vote for?”

In this Special Edition of La Plaza’s Guest Blogger Series we have invited Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine and Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele to make their case to Latino voters on behalf of their respective parties. Much has been made about the Latino vote in these midterm elections with poll after poll […]

Guest Blogger Series: Lily Eskelsen “We’re Not Waiting for a Comic Book Hero”

The producer of Waiting for Superman says he didn’t mean to imply that all Charter Schools were better than all Public Schools.  He failed.  That’s exactly what he seems to be saying. But public school teachers and support staff are used to politicians and pundits ignoring their voices.  Why would a movie director who needed […]

Guest Blogger Series: Rep. Luis Gutierrez “On Immigration, Are You a Lamar Smith-John Boehner-Steve King Republican?”

About a week ago, I announced that I would not run for Mayor of Chicago so that I could devote my full time and attention to my vocation: fighting for immigration reform in the U.S. Congress.  My decision not to run was a difficult one.  Being Mayor of Chicago — the city of my birth, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Maria Cardona and Alicia Menendez “To Vote is Power”

As featured in The Hill: This year, Latino voters like many voters, are angry and anxious.  But they aren’t stupid.  As has been reported widely, a conservative third-party group called “Latinos for Reform,” recently released an ad in which the narrator says: “Don’t vote this November. This is the only way to send [Democrats] a […]