Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Dr. Leobardo Estrada: “The Impact of the Recession on Hispanics 45+ – Alarming, but Surmountable”

From providing resources tailored specifically to the unique needs of the Hispanic community to AARP VIVA magazine, AARP has a long history of commitment to the Hispanic community. That commitment prompted AARP to commission a study in collaboration with the National Hispana Leadership Institute and impreMedia on the impact of the economic recession in America […]

Guest Blogger Series: Arturo Vargas: “Time to Stand Up and Be Counted”

We are witnesses today to an historic period in the civic engagement of Latinos in the United States. Latinos have become a permanent fixture of the American political experience, and the Census is an integral part of that. Every issue – healthcare, the economy, jobs, funding for schools, hospitals and roads — is affected by […]

Reform Immigration for the American Economy

As an avid supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, it is easy for me to talk about reform in moral terms. I represent one of America’s most diverse communities, and many of my colleagues — Latino state legislators in 25 states across the country – know all too well the personal stories and struggles of immigrant […]

Elsa Ramirez “Celebrating Earth Day and what it means for the Latino Community”

I grew up in a Texas border town along the Rio Grande River and learned early on about the value of preserving our natural resources. Irrigation transformed the Valley in South Texas and made it an important agricultural center in the state, but this also serves to underscore the importance of conserving our valuable and […]

Linda Chavez-Thompson “What it means when the last bookstore closes…”

Laredo, Texas, with a population of 250,000 now has the distinction of being the largest city in the nation without a bookstore.  B. Dalton’s bookstore shut its doors for good on January 16th. Put another tombstone in the predominantly Hispanic south side of San Antonio now that Waldenbooks has left, leaving no bookstore for miles. […]

GUEST BLOGGER: Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez “Women in the Military”

In the spirit of National Women’s History Month, Latinovations would like to acknowledge the great accomplishments of Latina women and thank Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for her contribution to La Plaza As the highest-ranking female member on the House Armed Services Committee, I have the opportunity to see first-hand the significant contributions of our women in […]

Pedro Nava “Hidden Credit And Debit Card Fees Punish The Poor And Reward The Rich”

As if you weren’t already feeling the pinch in this time of need and economic uncertainty, hidden credit and debit card interchange fees are chewing a hole in your wallet.  And an even bigger hole in low-income and minority households. Interchange fees cost Americans $48 billion a year. If you live in California, your share […]

Guest Blogger Series: Roberto Carmona on “The Latino Community would benefit from Comprehensive Climate and Energy Legislation”

You’ve seen the headlines. America is struggling through the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Americans are losing their jobs and businesses are closing their doors. It is a vicious cycle – but it’s one we can break. As a Latino small business owner in Chicago, I recognize the importance of taking action during […]

Louis Caldera and Chris Contreras “It’s Time to End Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

On March 11, 2003 Staff Sergeant Eric Alva, a proud Latino and a proud Marine who led a crew of 11 in Iraq, stepped on a landmine, which caused him to lose his leg. He was the first American injured in Iraq and he was awarded the Purple Heart for his service to our country. […]

Monica Echeverria “About Earth Hour / La Hora del Planeta”

The World Wildlife Fund’s Earth Hour event is a simple, yet powerful symbol that by working together each of us can make a positive impact on our planet. In just a few weeks, hundreds of millions of people, organizations, corporations and governments will come together in a call-to-action on climate change by turning their lights […]