Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sylvia Aguilera “Civil Rights Organizations’ Hopes for Change at the FCC Remain Unmet”

A letter issued by 23 civil rights organizations should provide some answers to those who profess to being troubled and confused by the civil rights community’s unwillingness to fall into lock-step with them and the Administration on the Open Internet proceeding. It should go without saying that civil rights organizations are not only entitled, but […]

Lázaro Cárdenas Batel “Linking Migration and Development”

Migrations are an essential part of world history. No existing nation could be explained without them. The search for better living conditions has been the historic drive behind migrations. With the exception of Africans who were forcefully taken from their homes and brought to America as slaves, the people who came from other parts of […]

Wendy Bruget “A Latina’s Perspective on Copenhagen”

When the team at Latinovations asked me to reflect on my recent trip to Copenhagen, I wasn’t sure that my focus area of garbage would be of particular interest to their blog readers. Alongside the Cinderella of the United Nations Summit was its less publicized sister, the International Solid Waste Association’s Conference on Waste and […]

Former Secretary of HUD, Henry Cisneros, Discusses the Importance of Health Care Reform

In a recent article published in the San Antonio Express-News, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Henry Cisneros, argues that if 2009 was the year in which Americans developed a grasp of the importance of health care reform, 2010 must be the year in which it is implemented.

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Arturo Valenzuela "Helping Haiti: A Moral Obligation"

Latinovations would like to thank Arturo A. Valenzuela, Assistant Secretary, Western Hemisphere Affairs, of the Department of State for his contribution to La Plaza Throughout the past two weeks, Americans, and the whole world indeed, have been following closely the rescue and relief efforts underway in Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake. Last week […]

NEW GUEST BLOGGER SERIES "Punto Contra Punto":Broadband Access for the Latino Community

After much popular demand we are launching a new point counterpoint series on a variety of topics  that have opposing views. This series is called ” Punto Contra Punto”. This week’s topic is on broadband access for the Latino community.  Latinovations would like to thank our contributors from the National Hispanic Media Coalition & Media […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Mario Solis-Marich "The Right Goes for Another Round of Latina Bashing"

As featured in today’s Huffington Post: Republican Senators not tired of Latina bashing have set their sights on Obama’s nominee for Ambassador to El Salvador – Mari Del Carmen Aponte. It is hard to gauge if the right misses the cold war as much as they miss having the Sotomayor nomination to vent their political […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Jason Llorenz “Broadband Internet: This Generation’s Civil Rights Sleeper?”

Latinovations would like to thank Jason Llorenz for his contribution to La Plaza Washington is abuzz about broadband – or more importantly, Washington is buzzing about the way some communities will or won’t be able to access the information superhighway at broadband speeds. At stake: Just about everything. Turns out, our community’s economic standing, access […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Latina Lista's Marisa Treviño on Blogging

Latinovations would like to thank Marisa Treviño for her contribution to La Plaza and encourages everyone to check out Latina Lista. There was a time that whenever I told people I wrote a blog, I would either get puzzled looks or sympathetic smiles from journalist friends who considered blog writing to be nothing more than […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Senator Robert Menendez “Latinos Feel the Heat Like Everyone Else”

Latinovations would like to thank Senator Robert Menendez for his contribution to La Plaza. All issues are Latino issues, and it is time Latinos take their place at the table on climate change. With negotiations starting in Copenhagen this week, Latinos can help build momentum for a global response to climate change.  Too often, Americans […]