Wednesday, March 19, 2025

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Ana Rodriguez-Correa "Protect yourself and your loved ones from the Seasonal Flu and 2009 H1N1 Flu"

If you have ever had the flu, you know it can knock you out—with members of your family, friends, and co-workers not far behind. This season, flu may pack more of a punch than usual because of the new 2009 H1N1 flu virus (sometimes called “swine flu”). It’s more important than ever to get your […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Dr. Mariana Glusman "Leyendo Juntos (Reading Together) Initiative Promotes Literacy Among Latino Families"

Latinovations would like to thank Dr. Glusman for her contribution to La Plaza. Multiple studies have demonstrated that Latino children lag behind their non-Latino peers all along the educational ladder, from Kindergarten to college. The latest study from University of California at Berkley, points to the fact that this disparity is noticeable even by age […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Octavio A. Hinojosa Mier "The U.S. Hispanic Community is Key to Regaining Title of 'World’s Most Competitive Economy'"

Latinovations would like to thank Octavio A. Hinojosa Mier for his contribution to La Plaza. The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) this week hosted an insightful Hill briefing centered on the theme: “STEM: How the U.S. Hispanic Community will define the future of U.S. competitiveness.” This standing room only briefing focused on the growing importance […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Cathy Areu "Soledad and Chris"

Latinovations would like to thank Cathy Areu  for her contribution to La Plaza. I wonder if Soledad O’Brien and Chris Rock are friends. After a week like the last one, they should be. Both these celebrities – no doubt at the top of their games in their respective fields – took a chance, a risk […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Brent Wilkes "Latinos' Stake in Climate Change Legislation"

Latinovations would like to thank Brent Wilkes for his contribution to La Plaza. With Congress seriously considering climate change legislation, it comes as no surprise that environmental groups and clean energy companies support swift action. We at the League of United Latin American Citizens, the largest and oldest Hispanic organization in the country, wish to […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Dr. Alicia Abella “Technology is Changing the Workplace”

Latinovations would like to thank Dr. Alicia Abella for her contribution to La Plaza. Who knew we’d get hooked on watching someone’s dog roll over on YouTube? Who knew we’d hear from that long-lost high-school friend, now many years older and many pounds heavier, on Facebook? Who knew we’d devotedly follow tweets of a loved […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Andres Ramirez "The US Senate Must Stand Against the Vitter/Bennett Amendment"

Latinovations would like to thank Andres Ramirez for his contribution to La Plaza. The United States Senate is getting enmeshed in a very serious conversation at the moment that may appear to be innocent and practical.  The debate is over a proposed amendment, SA 2644, to the Commerce, Justice, & Science Appropriations bill that is […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Adrianna Quintero "Latinos use Voces Verdes to Call for Strong Climate and Energy Legislation"

Latinovations would like to thank Adrianna Quintero for her contribution to La Plaza. Today, La Onda Verde de NRDC, the Latino arm of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is pleased to announce the launch of Voces Verdes.  Voces Verdes was created in partnership with America Verde, an initiative of Common Ground for Conservation and […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Assemblymember Pedro Nava "California is Failing the Next Generation of Latinos"

Latinovations would like to thank Assemblymember Pedro Nava for his contribution to La Plaza. California ’s 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education established that any student in the top third of their class would receive automatic entry to California State University (CSU). Those in the top eighth of their class would gain entry to the […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer "The Nation's Future and Latinos"

Latinovations would like to thank Rep. Martinez Fischer  for his contribution to La Plaza. This month, “Latino in America” will premiere on CNN. Many of the teasers for the program include the following fact:  “By 2050, the U.S. Latino population is expected to nearly triple”.   According to a Pew Hispanic study from 2008, Latinos will […]