Wednesday, March 19, 2025

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Eli Samuel Serrano "The 2010 Census"

Latinovations would like to thank Eli Samuel Serrano for his contribution to La Plaza. At its most basic level, the purpose of the Census is very simple. To count every single person living in the United States. But the Census is about a lot more than arithmetic. It’s about empowerment. The Census allows every community […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Creigh Deeds, The Democratic Candidate for Governor of Virginia "LET'S KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING FORWARD, NOT BACKWARDS!"

Latinovations would like to thank Creigh Deeds,  Democratic Candidate  for Governor of Virginia, for his contribution to La Plaza. By: Creigh Deeds On November 3rd, Virginians will go to the polls to elect our next governor.   The first job of the next governor will be to create jobs and rebuild Virginia’s economy.  Sen. Deeds has […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Gus West "Hispanics and the Internet: Building their Mobile Future"

Latinovations would like to thank Gus West, Board Chairman of The Hispanic Institute, for his contribution to La Plaza. In the Hispanic community, the mobile phone is more than just a way to make calls.  For more than half the population, wireless devices are increasingly a link to education, opportunity and everything else the Internet […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Kirin Kalia "Childhood Obesity and its Impact on Latinos"

Latinovations would like to thank Kirin Kalia, Editor of the Migration Information Source, for her contribution to La Plaza. In the land of milk and cookies, children of all backgrounds are inundated with junk-food advertisements and poor eating opportunities. This environment has likely contributed to the U.S. childhood obesity epidemic: the most recent estimates suggest […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Senator Gloria Romero "California Must Lead the Race to the Top"

Latinovations would like to thank California State Senator Gloria Romero for her contribution to La Plaza. As we mark the passing of United States Senator Ted Kennedy and celebrate his unwavering commitment to civil rights and public education, California has an opportunity to show the nation that we share his vision that children from all […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Irasema Garza "Fighting for the Rights of Latinas"

Latinovations would like to thank Legal Momentum  President Irasema Garza for her contribution to La Plaza. In the decades-long  journey to women’s equality, we have come a great distance. Over the last 50 years, groundbreaking anti-discrimination legislation and legal victories have cleared away many of the road blocks women encountered as they sought fair treatment at schools and workplaces.  Legal […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Rosa Rosales “In Honor of Senator Ted Kennedy Legacy, Pass Health Care Reform”

Latinovations would like to thank LULAC President Rosa Rosales for her contribution to La Plaza. By LULAC National President Rosa Rosales This week we witnessed the passing of our beloved friend Senator Ted Kennedy who was a champion for the voiceless. Thirty-nine years ago, Senator Kennedy introduced his first bill to overhaul our nation’s broken […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Rudy Ruiz, "Public Option: Much-Needed Insurance for Latinos"

Latinovations would like to thank Rudy Ruiz for his contribution to La Plaza. Most people today are focused on health insurance reform. I’m concerned about ensuring that the Latino community’s needs are fully met by such a reform.

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Vanessa Cárdenas, “We Can Achieve Immigration Reform”

Latinovations would like to thank Vanessa Cárdenas for her contribution to La Plaza. In Mexico last Monday President Barack Obama said that immigration reform would have to wait until 2010. This news was received with disappointment by immigration reform supporters and fueled speculation that change to our immigration system was not possible in the short […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Marshall Fitz "Americans Want Solutions, Not Scare Tactics"

Latinovations would like to thank Marshall Fitz for his contribution to La Plaza. This article originally appeared on the Center for American Progress’ website on August 4, 2009. Health care reform opponents have emptied their grab bag of scare tactics in all-out assault on the various House and Senate bills. Many reform foes have fixed […]