Wednesday, March 19, 2025

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Janet Murguia "A Vote to Remember"

Latinovations would like to thank Janet Murguia for her contribution to La Plaza. This article originally appeared in The Washington Times on August 7, 2009. There’s one thing about defining moments — they tend to, well, define you. With the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor, it is critically important to underscore to everyone that this […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Sylvia Aguilera "Hispanic Leaders Weigh In on a National Plan for Broadband"

By: Sylvia Aguilera Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) In comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission this week, the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) applauded the Commission for addressing a national plan for broadband. Our members, who work in communities across the U.S., know that there is a critical relationship between access to […]

Guest Blogger Series: Harry Reid "Life Experience not at Odds with Judicial Ability"

By: Harry Reid As featured in the Miami Herald Some slivers of my past: A dust storm. A one-room schoolhouse. The teacher who gave me boxing gloves. This imagery might not evoke of the U.S. Senate, but it represents experiences that have shaped me as a person, and by consequence a U.S. senator. Abraham Lincoln’s […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Dr.Gabriela Lemus and Hector Sanchez "For The Next Justice, Let's Have A Latino"

By: Dr. Gabriela Lemus and Hector Sanchez, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement As featured on NPR There are a number of issues to consider when replacing Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court, but the opportunity to diversify the bench by appointing a Latino is particularly compelling. Never in its 220-year history has a […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Benita Veliz "Life Inside the Music Box Ain’t Easy"

By: Benita Veliz Recently, I heard the song “Music Box” by Regina Spektor. The first few lines of the song say, “Life inside the music box ain’t easy. The mallets hit, the gears are always turning. And everyone inside the mechanism is yearning to get out”.

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Andres Ramirez "Hispanics Poised To Flex Muscle in Politics, Policy"

By: Andres Ramirez There is no doubt the 2008 elections were indeed historic, but while the results of the 2010 midterms — and the decennial U.S. Census in the same year — may not have the rock star quality of the presidential contest, they very likely will have a far-reaching and long-lasting impact on our […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Joe Garcia "A Paradigm Shift is Needed in US Policy Toward Cuba and Latin America"

By: Joe Garcia As the American-born son of Cuban exiles, I would like nothing more than for my mother and father to be able to return to their country one day.  I also wish for my daughter to experience the wonders of the land where her grandparents met and grew up, and for her, along […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis Represents United States in Rome

Since taking her position in the Obama Administration, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has served as an instrumental force in helping millions of unemployed during this economic crisis. Her critical role in helping the labor market recuperate and consequentially the economy underscores the importance for all women and Hispanics in leadership roles. Most recently , […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES:Latino and Asian “New American” Voters Were Forces of Change in ’08 Election

By:Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) The idea of the American dream is a simple one–work hard, sacrifice for your family, and provide your children with more opportunities than your parents were able to leave you. As a third generation, or “sansei,” Japanese American, who went from toiling the strawberry fields of California to walking the Halls […]

Guest Blogger Series: SPECIAL EDITION

Two Men, One Very Important Choice Today, we are proud to present a special edition of our Guest Blogger Series featuring two accomplished Latinos. On the Democratic side Elisa Montoya, who is currently serving as National Director of Latino Outreach for the Obama for America Campaign, makes the case for Barack Obama. In our second […]