Saturday, March 15, 2025

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuño “Semana decisiva para la reforma migratoria de Obama”

Con el regreso del Presidente Obama de su viaje diplomático por Asia, y el año ya por terminarse, Barack Obama ya se está preparando para firmar lo que muchos llaman “una de las decisiones políticas más importantes de su presidencia”. En Washington, ya se rumorea que posiblemente tan pronto como esta semana, el Presidente esté […]

Guest Blogger: Roberto Adrian Fierro “Latino Culture Rooted in Food Day Values”

Growing up in Mexico, food was a very important part of my life and upbringing. Food brought family together. In el campo, bonds were formed and culture shared, y en la cocina lessons were learned and recipes passed down to younger generations. I vividly remember helping my grandmother pick fresh peppers for her famous chorizo […]

Guest Blogger: Patrick Oakford “Out of the shadows and out of poverty: Reducing poverty through immigration reform”

The Census Bureau recently released new data on poverty in the United States. While the coverage that followed provided an overview of the new numbers, and in the case of TalkPoverty examined policy choices that would dramatically reduce poverty, there is one important issue that received little attention: the potential for immigration reform to create […]

Guest Blogger: Sec. of Labor Tom Perez “Hispanic Heritage Month: Expanding Opportunity for All”

As Hispanic Heritage Month begins, I think about my immigrant parents – their pride in their Dominican roots as well as their fierce belief in and gratitude toward America.  Because of their sacrifices and their hard work – and also because of investments that the nation made in me – I’ve enjoyed tremendous opportunities in […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “DREAM Activists, Mobile Tech Key to AZ Primary Win”

It has already been a wild primary election season with several big upsets rocking the political establishment. Add a hotly contested Arizona Democratic primary to that list, where young upstart Ruben Gallego, ran a brutally efficient field operation on his way to a surprise election day victory. National Democrats have long struggled to turn out their core constituencies in off […]

Guest Blogger: Maria Cardona “Rand Paul: The flip-flop king”

              Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is giving people whiplash. In the last month, he has shifted, flip-flopped and pandered so strikingly on a range of positions and statements that it makes you wonder whether he has suddenly developed a deep disregard for his own convictions, or never had […]

Guest Blogger: Dr. Paty Romero-Lankao “Recent Clean Water Protection rule great news for Colorado”

Every summer my family and I head out to take in the great outdoors.  We put our troubles aside and enjoy life in Colorado. So one of the last things I want to worry about is whether our local stream is clean enough for my kids to play in or fish from. We all have […]

Guest Blogger: Nydia Gutierrez “Hispanic Entrepreneurs Embrace the Mobile Future”

Growing up in a small town in south Texas, our tenacious and resourceful Hispanic business community represented a path toward opportunity and hope for the future. An entrepreneurial spirit flowed through the community as folks opened small businesses–catering, photography, construction–to help make ends meet. Business owners would harness every available resource to maximize their venture’s […]

Guest Blogger: Jason Llorenz “Net Neutrality’s Brain Drain and Distraction”

As a national community, we debate and think often about the impact of the Internet on our lives. The issues that emerge in those conversations are tied to real needs – for affordable connectivity, access to laptops and mobile tech for learning and business, as examples. Latino tech leaders talk about the stories of Dreamers […]

Guest Blogger: Maria Cardona “GOP, show you care about kids at border”

Madness has gripped our border. I am not talking about the migrant children fleeing from crime and violence in their home countries in Central America and looking for the opportunity to live a better life. I am talking about the misguided protesters—and the right-wing public officials that egg them on, railing against anything they think […]