Saturday, March 15, 2025

Guest Blogger: Javier Palomarez “Where is the Vote?”

What is deterring GOP members from calling a House vote on immigration reform isn’t a ‘trust deficit’ – it’s simply inertia. The release of GOP principles on immigration placed the question of immigration at the spotlight again, perhaps the closest we’ve ever been to finally passing comprehensive immigration reform. So, where is the vote? The […]

Guest Blogger: Dr. Yanira Cruz “IP Transition Benefits Independent Seniors”

A couple of decades ago, none of us could have predicted the countless opportunities and innovations that broadband connectivity has made possible.  Broadband access transforms lives and delivers more possibilities for better health, wellness, and quality of life, to name only a few. At the National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA), we work to improve the […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In State of the Union, Obama is Cautious on Immigration Reform”

This week, President Obama urged Congress in his State of the Union address to fix our broken immigration system once and for all. And although the President made the call that Congress needed to act, many have been quick to criticize him for only dedicating a short portion of the speech to talk about immigration […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In 2014, Immigration Reform Must Be A Priority”

For the past year, people from across the country have come to see firsthand how dysfunctional Washington can come to be: Republicans forcing a government shutdown, failure to expand unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, and the their obsession with repealing Obamacare. But despite all of the partisanship that consumes Washington on a daily basis, […]

Guest Blogger: Hilda Solis “Climate Change Must Be A Priority In 2014”

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of family trips to the San Gabriel Mountains for hiking, picnicking and breathing fresh, clean air — a welcome escape from the smell of the Puente Hills Landfill, near our home. Those trips offered temporary respite, as well, for my father, who contracted lead poisoning after working in […]

Guest Blogger: Javier Palomarez “Usar Energía Verde es una Victoria para Empresas Latinas”

Un estudio de 2011 titulado Informe de Negocios Hispanos, proyectó que las empresas de propiedad latina experimentarían un crecimiento del 28 % en California y un crecimiento del 17 % en el condado de Los Ángeles entre 2007 y 2012 Mucho se ha especulado sobre el impacto del crecimiento del 43% de la población hispana […]

Guest Blogger: Neera Tanden and Janet Murguía “Preschool Legislation Would Benefit Hispanic Families”

              Even though most states have made preschool available to at least some four year olds over the last decade in an effort to help prepare them for school, Latino children attend preschool at much lower rates than children of other races and ethnicities. Just 37 percent of Hispanic children […]

Guest Blogger: Hilda Solis “Nuestra mamá tierra”

Por Hilda Solís Sabemos que la contaminación global del carbono está causando que el clima cambie y este año alcanzó el mayor nivel de concentración en la historia humana Para mí y mi familia, no solo esta es una época de reflexión y celebración, también es una oportunidad para agradecer por todas nuestras bendiciones.  Aunque suele […]

Guest Blogger: Omar Duque “Hispanic-Owned Businesses in Illinois: Untapped Economic & Job Creation Potential “

It’s no secret that Hispanics contribute significantly to the US economy, but a new report on Hispanic-owned businesses in Illinois shows Hispanic businesses face unique challenges, but have the potential to generate an additional $67 billion in revenues and create 200,000 jobs for Illinois residents. The Report, The State of Hispanic-Owned Businesses in Illinois: Untapped Economic […]

Guest Blogger: Lisa Pino “SNAP for a Healthy America”

As this year marks the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s death, we are grateful for his contribution to our country’s nutritional safety net, the USDA SNAP program. After President Franklin D. Roosevelt established Food Stamps in 1939 to combat the Great Depression, President Kennedy revived the program in 1961 by developing a pilot […]