Saturday, March 15, 2025

Guest Blogger: Sec. of Labor Tom Pérez “Crear escaleras de oportunidades para todos los trabajadores inmigrantes y estadounidenses”

Una reforma migratoria podría agregar $1,000 millones a la economía de Estados Unidos Yo soy hijo de inmigrantes. La historia de mi familia es una historia de inmigrantes. Es una historia de personas que viven en Estados Unidos. Mis padres nacieron en la República Dominicana, y mi abuelo materno fue embajador en Estados Unidos hasta […]

Guest Blogger: Rep. Ben Ray Luján “Engaging Minorities in Our Nation’s Energy Future”

I recently had the honor of participating in a congressional forum highlighting the Minorities in Energy Initiative hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy. This initiative seeks to connect diverse stakeholders — businesses, communities, schools, and individuals — to address challenges and opportunities for minority engagement in the energy sector. The spirited discussion included many […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Shooting After Shooting, Congress Does Nothing Towards Gun Control”

How many shootings must we endure before Congress acts on gun control? Just this year, tragedies such as the Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C. and the recent scare at a New Jersey mall proved that the conversation of gun control in this country should continue. And if that wasn’t enough, in 2012, over four […]

Guest Blogger: Vanessa Cárdenas “Not just a slogan: The future of Latinos in Virginia hangs in the balance in this election”

Last week, my 3rd grader’s homework was about our form of government and the values that make us Americans. I thought it was an appropriate and timely assignment given the upcoming election.  In a few days Virginians will go to the polls to elect the next governor of the commonwealth and in doing so will […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “Website will be fixed, Obamacare already helping uninsured Latinos”

Like Charlie Brown and the football, critics keep kicking at Obamacare, missing badly and ending up with mud on their faces. Sadly they are at it again, this time talking about defunding a law that is overwhelmingly popular with Hispanics over a glitchy website. the web portal and latest phase in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) roll out is the […]

Guest Blogger: Adrianna Quintero “Americans & Latino Americans to Tea Party: We Want our EPA”

Most, if not all of us, are applauding the fact that after a 16-day standoff, lawmakers were able to come to an agreement that puts the government back to work. While the devil may be in the details, and concessions were made on both sides, the importance of knowing that our country can meet its […]

Guest Bloggers: Febe Zepeda and Baldomero Garza “How ‘lawsuit lending’ is putting families at risk”

An insidious problem has been creeping into the shady world of predatory lending – the practice of lawsuit lending.   It goes something like this: a seemingly helpful representative of a lawsuit lender approaches plaintiffs who are involved in a personal injury or other type of lawsuit.  In many cases, these plaintiffs find themselves in tough […]

Guest Blogger: Alfredo Estrada “A Whimper, Not a Bang?”

As the latest issue of LATINO hits the newsstands, our elected representatives have just returned from a drowsy August recess to grapple with bombing Syria and closing down the Federal government. This year, immigration reform has grabbed most of the headlines in Congress. But no sooner had the so-called Gang of Eight led by Sen. Marco Rubio […]

Guest Blogger: Elianne Ramos “What Congress Really Needs: A Big Fat Whack With A Chancla”

Fuacata! As far as onomatopoeic interjections go, that is the scariest one –at least for those of us who grew up in a Latino household. The word, which loosely translates as “Whack” or “Kapow” (for you, non-Latino speakers), has been triggering compliance with pre-established Latino household rules for centuries. Rudimentary yet highly sophisticated as a […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Young Latinos Are Feeling the Positive Effects of the Affordable Care Act”

If you’ve ever shopped for health insurance, you know that the prices for adequate health care, whether for an individual or a family, are unreachable. In the past, insurance companies charged you an immense amount of money to get on a plan. And if you happened to have a pre-existing condition, they would either deny […]