Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Latinos Have To Get Out and Vote in November

In recent years, Americans have realized how effective the Latino vote can be. In the 2008 elections, about 9.7 million Latinos went to the polls. And in 2012, more than 12 million Latinos went out to vote, including 70 percent of the votes in favor of President Obama. And although we have seen an increase […]

Comentarios from Maria: Democrats Give Republicans Last Chance to Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Last week we celebrated the one year anniversary of the introduction of the Immigration Reform bill in the Senate. In addition, the main sponsors of the HR15-immigration bill, introduced by Democrats in the House of Representatives in October of last year, announced a new strategy to demand action from the Republicans in the House of Representatives […]

Guest Blogger: Roberto Valdez “2014 World Cup Campaigns”

The game of soccer, and especially the World Cup, is globally popular and specifically appeals to the fastest growing demographic group in the U.S., Latinos.  So, it is an understatement when marketing experts say that targeting Latinos with ad campaigns before and during the World Cup will pay off tremendously in the long run. As […]

Giving Latino Males a Chance to Succeed

              Last month, President Obama announced the initiative My Brother’s Keeper, a campaign geared to offer opportunities for boys and young men of color to fulfill their full potential and avoid falling into harm’s way. Organizations throughout the U.S. have taken advantage of the Presidents calling to expand their […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “Telecommunications Reforms for Today’s Digital Economy”

We live in a time when we can access information pretty much anywhere, at any time, whenever we want. The rapid deployment of broadband networks have made available a plethora of consumer services and applications in the digital age. In two short decades consumer choice has expanded from limited offerings of voice and video from […]

Comentarios from Maria: Equal Pay is Key to our Economy

April 8th was declared National Equal Pay Day. This date signifies that a woman has to work until April 8, 2014 (adding all the time worked in 2013) to earn the same as the average earned by a man in 2013. In addition, women still earn only 77 cents on average for every dollar earned […]

Recently Launched Website Aimed to give the U.S. Latino Mother a Voice

          A new website titled Latinamadre.com, targets Latino mothers in the United States and offers a platform that discusses various topics important to Latinas, their children and families. Moguldom Media Group (MMG), the website’s creator, acknowledged that “the vast majority of U.S. Hispanics today are no longer first generation, but American-born […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “Our Country Has Changed; Why Hasn’t The ’96 Telecom Act”

This month marks the eighteenth anniversary of the 1996 Telecom Act. This landmark piece of legislation paved the way for a new era of competition, innovation, and consumer choice – and it all began at a time when information services, as we know them today, barely existed at all. It also began in a much […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Latest CBO Report and Its Implications on Obamacare

Lately, much has been speculated about a recent report published by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and what the data means for the economy of the country. Many Republicans in Washington, without actually reading the report, have concluded that the data published by the CBO implies that the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, eliminates 2 […]

Guest Blogger: Dr. Yanira Cruz “IP Transition Benefits Independent Seniors”

A couple of decades ago, none of us could have predicted the countless opportunities and innovations that broadband connectivity has made possible.  Broadband access transforms lives and delivers more possibilities for better health, wellness, and quality of life, to name only a few. At the National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA), we work to improve the […]