Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: It is the Time for Action

Last Tuesday, President Obama delivered the State of the Union address which was based on three fundamental principles: opportunity, action and optimism. The central idea of the speech is the reason why we all came to this country; if you work hard and follow the rules, you should have the opportunity to succeed. In the […]

House Passed Farm Bill will affect Latino Families

            On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed a long-awaited Farm Bill that will preserve crop subsidies, but cut food stamps, causing many Latino families to lose the primary source for feeding their families. “I know many of my colleagues would just like this whole farm bill issue to go […]

What is Net Neutrality? It’s a Big Deal for Latinos

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco Not a lot of attention has been given to the issue of Net Neutrality in Latino news circles. But it’s an important issue that took a decisive turn last week and it could affect Latinos and their increasing use of the internet. Here’s the short take: The FCC had a set of rules […]

Latina Nominated as Head of Small Business Administration

          On Wednesday, President Barack Obama nominated Maria Contreras-Sweet as head of the Small Business Administration (SBA). If confirmed by the Senate, Maria Contreras-Sweet will become the second Latino in President Obama’s second-term administration. “Maria knows how hard it is to get started on a business,” Obama said. “The grueling hours, […]

Comentarios from Maria: To fight poverty, start with women

There’s a coming showdown between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of income inequality. President Obama has called it the “defining issue of our time.” Progressives recognize that sustaining unemployment benefits, increasing the minimum wage and ensuring equal pay are key weapons. Republicans, who recently voted to leave 1.3 million Americans in the cold by not […]

Comentarios from Maria: Extending Unemployment Benefits, Key to Latinos

Last Tuesday, the U.S. Senate overcame an obstacle to advance towards a vote that would extend unemployment benefits to 1.3 million Americans who recently lost their coverage. Shortly after, President Obama praised Senate Democrats for their persistence to continue fighting for this bill to be advanced to the House of Representatives and eventually to his […]

Comentarios from Maria: Why We Should Care about the Rules that Govern the Internet

Broadband in America is getting better and faster.  Overall speeds increased more than 20% over 2012.  A remarkable 19 out of 20 young adults use broadband at home. Yet not everyone is sharing equally in this good news. Almost a quarter of English-speaking Latinos still do not use email or the Internet, according to a […]

Guest Blogger: Omar Duque “Hispanic-Owned Businesses in Illinois: Untapped Economic & Job Creation Potential “

It’s no secret that Hispanics contribute significantly to the US economy, but a new report on Hispanic-owned businesses in Illinois shows Hispanic businesses face unique challenges, but have the potential to generate an additional $67 billion in revenues and create 200,000 jobs for Illinois residents. The Report, The State of Hispanic-Owned Businesses in Illinois: Untapped Economic […]

Latina Entrepreneur Attributes Culture to her Success

            Ivette Mayo, owner of Yo Soy I am, LLC, has become an example for all Latinas in this country on not only entrepreneurship, but how to make their dream a reality while staying true to their Latina culture. “When you face great challenges and constant change, you develop survival […]

Guest Blogger: Sec. of Labor Tom Pérez “Crear escaleras de oportunidades para todos los trabajadores inmigrantes y estadounidenses”

Una reforma migratoria podría agregar $1,000 millones a la economía de Estados Unidos Yo soy hijo de inmigrantes. La historia de mi familia es una historia de inmigrantes. Es una historia de personas que viven en Estados Unidos. Mis padres nacieron en la República Dominicana, y mi abuelo materno fue embajador en Estados Unidos hasta […]