Tuesday, March 4, 2025

$5 Billion Cut on Food Stamps Will Largely Affect Latinos

Nearly 5 million Latinos who rely on food stamps to provide food on the table for their families will see their benefits go down beginning Friday as a $5 billion cut in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which benefits more than 47 million Americans, was recently approved by Republican Congress. Beginning this month, a […]

Federal Government Shutdown: Its Impact on Latinos

It is the fourth day of the federal shutdown and there is still no clear path forward, but what does remain evident is the large number of Latinos that will be affected by the shutdown nationwide—if they’re not being affected already. As of Tuesday, not only were immigration cases put on hold for as long […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Young Latinos Are Feeling the Positive Effects of the Affordable Care Act”

If you’ve ever shopped for health insurance, you know that the prices for adequate health care, whether for an individual or a family, are unreachable. In the past, insurance companies charged you an immense amount of money to get on a plan. And if you happened to have a pre-existing condition, they would either deny […]

Living the American Dream: Thomas E. Perez Sworn In as Labor Secretary

Thomas Perez, the son of Dominican immigrants, was formally sworn in as Secretary of Labor by Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday September 4, 2013. Perez is now the only Latino in President Obama’s second term cabinet, and his leadership with the Department of Labor comes during a critical time, as the President has promised […]

Just Before Labor Day, a Report Shows Struggles of Latino Workers

By Griselda Nevarez, Voxxi A new report by the AFL-CIO depicts how, even after four years since the recession officially ended, Latino workers continue to be disproportionally affected by the weak economic recovery. The report released Thursday finds that as the U.S. economy recovers, Latinos are facing higher rates of unemployment and underemployment, as well as lower wages and […]

Insider’s Guide for Incoming Latino College Students

By Christine Killion and Samantha Madera, Al Día News You made it. You’ve struggled through twelve or more years of furious concentrating, reading until your eyes were sore, and scribbling until your hand screamed for a break. You’ve stressed about the future looming after high school graduation, stayed up late into the night cramming for exams and […]

GOP Leaders Look to Rebrand Their Message in Spanish

Republican leaders are organizing their party and speakers to become more knowledgeable in communication with Latino audiences and are arranging more appearances in Spanish-speaking outlets. “We’ve been absent from the conversation with Hispanic media for so long, anything can set back that progress we’ve made in the last eight months, so we are aggressive, just […]

Guest Blogger: Vanessa Cardenas “Win-Win Situation: An All-In Nation of Racial Equality Fosters Economic Prosperity”

If you knew you could do the right thing and personally benefit from it, would you do it? I am willing to bet most of us would. Last week, the Center for American Progress and PolicyLink released a book, All-In Nation: An America That Works for All, which argues that if we reduced racial inequalities, we would […]

Report Suggests Citizenship Will Provide Stronger Economic Benefits than Legalization

The White House released a report on Tuesday listing the economic benefits to earned citizenship for the undocumented immigrants in the US, which included an increase of $1.4 trillion in GDP and about 2 million more jobs. The report also details that over a course of 10 years, providing only legal status and not citizenship […]

Report: Latinos are Most Active Social Media Users

A new Pew Research report found that Latinos top everyone in social media being the most active and the most influential – specifically to the future of mobile advertisers, web-sites, and apps. According to the report, 80% of Latinos in the U.S. use social media, that’s more than 70% of whites and 75% of African […]