Thursday, March 6, 2025

White House Addresses Latinos to Sign Up For the Affordable Care Act

In this week’s White House weekly address, Cecilia Muñoz, Director of the Domestic Policy Council, discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its impact on Latinos, urging them to sign up and to help others sign up for health care coverage. In a Spanish language video, Muñoz, the highest-ranking Latino in the Obama Administration, urged […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Young Latinos Are Feeling the Positive Effects of the Affordable Care Act”

If you’ve ever shopped for health insurance, you know that the prices for adequate health care, whether for an individual or a family, are unreachable. In the past, insurance companies charged you an immense amount of money to get on a plan. And if you happened to have a pre-existing condition, they would either deny […]

Comentarios from Maria: “GOP Hypocrisy Towards Latinos – La Hipocresía del los Republicanos hacia los Latinos”

About Health Reform, also called Obamacare, and the double-sided attitude of many Republican leaders. Republicans sure are stubborn! Two years after the Affordable Health Care Act was passed, they still insist on repealing it, and seeing that this is impossible, they are now determined to force the government to shut down if Congress approves funds […]

GOP Leaders Look to Rebrand Their Message in Spanish

Republican leaders are organizing their party and speakers to become more knowledgeable in communication with Latino audiences and are arranging more appearances in Spanish-speaking outlets. “We’ve been absent from the conversation with Hispanic media for so long, anything can set back that progress we’ve made in the last eight months, so we are aggressive, just […]

Latino Food Purchases Most Influenced By Family, Emotional Values

By Hope Gillette, Saludify While acculturation may have a significant impact on the diet of the millions of Hispanics in the country, data from The Multi-Cultural Latino Consumer study indicates the family experience is still what drives most of the Latino food purchases and choices. According to the data, though the Latino population in the U.S. is diverse, […]

Michelle Obama Gives Keynote Address at NCLR Conference

At the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza on Tuesday, First Lady Michelle Obama took the opportunity to discuss immigration and childhood obesity — an issue that affects the Latino community greatly. “Forty percent of Hispanic children are overweight and 50 percent are on track to develop diabetes,” the first lady said. […]

Guest Blogger: Ron Blackburn-Moreno “ConnectED: Advanced Connectivity to Expand Young People’s Universes”

President Obama recently signaled his belief that government has a continuing role in making America a better place for every citizen. Just as other leaders have seen a brighter future and moved to make it happen, the president said he wants to bring “next generation broadband and high-speed wireless” to every school and library in […]

Lack of Knowledge on New Health Care Law Promotes Latino Outreach

A recent poll of Latinos in Colorado revealed that over half of Latinos —54 percent—don’t know the key aspects of the Affordable Care Act, encouraging initiatives to educate Latinos of the new law. “At this point, information is relatively low but the desire to be engaged in the process is very high,” said Dr. Gabriel […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chavez Rodriguez “What Health Reform Means for Latinos – and Young Sisters”

Mayra Alvarez, Director of Public Health Policy in the Office of Health Reform at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, recently wrote an op-ed for NBC Latino encouraging her younger sister Alejandra and others to register for the Health Insurance Marketplace, which opens in October 2013. The Marketplace is one of the many important provisions of […]

Puerto Rican Medical Professionals Leaving the Island for the Mainland

Puerto Rican doctors and nurses are increasingly migrating from the island to the mainland U.S. seeking higher salaries and improved reimbursement from insurers. According to the island’s Medical Licensing and Studies board, the number of doctors in Puerto Rico has dropped about 13% with the major losses being in primary care physicians and specialists. “Professionals […]