Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Poverty, Stress, and Miscommunication Contribute to High Levels of Asthma in Latinos

A new report  found that miscommunication ranks at the top of contributing factors for high rates of asthma among the Latino community. The report “Luchando por el Aire: The Burden of Asthma on Hispanics,” was released by the American Lung Association in October and it explores the causes contributing to the high asthma burden that […]

New HHS Survey Standards will Help Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Among Latinos

In an effort to improve its ability to highlight disparities in health status and target interventions to reduce them, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced final standards to more consistently measure race, ethnicity, sex, primary language, and disability status yesterday. “It is our job to get a better understanding of why disparities […]

Guest Blogger Series: Lisa Pino “USDA Programs Can Help Latinos Overcome the Hunger and Obesity Paradox”

No one should go hungry in America, especially children. However, far too many Latino children and their families are experiencing hunger every day. At a time when so many are struggling to put food on the table, it is critical for Latino families to know about help that is available. In that spirit, the Department […]

CDC Report on Racial Disparities Bleak for Hispanics

A report by the Center for Disease Control released earlier this month revealed that disparities in the Hispanic population are more severe than for other groups experiencing the same health conditions. The report looked into health disparities by sex, race, income and education.  Many outstanding differences were found from group to group, and for Hispanics […]

Guest Blogger Series: Maria Cardona and Alicia Menendez “To Vote is Power”

As featured in The Hill: This year, Latino voters like many voters, are angry and anxious.  But they aren’t stupid.  As has been reported widely, a conservative third-party group called “Latinos for Reform,” recently released an ad in which the narrator says: “Don’t vote this November. This is the only way to send [Democrats] a […]

Guest Blogger Series: Veronica Bayetti Flores “Gender, Health and Immigration Detention”

As a reproductive health organization, sometimes people are surprised to learn that the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health does immigrants’ rights work.  The truth is that immigration and reproductive justice are inextricably tied, and the health and struggles of immigrant detainees is an area that is particularly ripe for action.  Though we envision a […]

Poor Neighborhoods Equate to Poor Health for Minority Males

Just a year ago, health care was the singular issue dominating the national policy debate. The fight over whether or not to create a public option to ensure that all Americans had access to health care, gave rise to the Tea Party movement which vehemently fought what they dubbed “socialized medicine”.  Yet, despite the packed […]

Call For A “New Breed of Physician”

If the medical community is to keep up with the influx of millions of Americans into the healthcare system after President Obama’s healthcare overhaul is implemented, fundamental innovations in curricula and teachings must be made in healthcare education. Graduates from minority medical schools are already more likely to work in underserved communities as reported recently […]

Low number of Minority Medical School Graduates Puts Underserved Communities at Risk

As the nation begins to put in place the procedures for implementing the recently passed health care overhaul legislation, as recent studies show, minority communities may once again be underserved. Although collectively, the Latino, American Indian and Black populations in the US total about thirty percent, only 8.7 percent of doctors in 2007 were from […]

Hispanics Lack Access to Colon Cancer Screening

According to the journal Cancer, colorectal cancer screening tests such as colonoscopies are more difficult to find in areas of the U.S. with large Hispanic populations. A group led by Dr. Jennifer Haas of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston analyzed statistics on colorectal screening taken from a national health survey, […]