Friday, March 14, 2025

Rubio Immigration Stance Contradiction to his Past

The fact that he is a son of immigrants himself isn’t deterring Florida Senator Marco Rubio from taking a harsh stance on the issue of immigration. Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, said in a recent interview with the Spanish-language network Telemundo that he would vote against the DREAM Act, which was reintroduced in both […]

GOP Governor Speaks out against AZ-like Law in Michigan

Republican Governor Rick Snyder said immigration legislation such as Arizona’s SB 1070 would be “detrimental” to Michigan. The governor made his remarks before the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce last Thursday, as an anti-immigration bill makes its way through the state legislature.  Similar to Arizona’s law, the proposed measure would force police officers to question […]

Immigration a Top Priority for Latino voters One Year after Arizona SB1070

One year after Arizona passed its anti-immigrant SB1070 bill, the issue of immigration continues to remain the top priority in all subsets of the Latino electorate. A Latino Decisions and impremedia poll from April 2011 shows that Latino voters ranging from the U.S. to foreign born and Republican to Democrat or Independent, and the college […]

Brewer takes Immigration Battle to U.S. Supreme Court

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced on Monday that the state will directly appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court over the injunction currently blocking parts of the state’s anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, from going into effect. Last month, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the court order, which has kept the most controversial parts […]

Obama heads to Texas to make case for Immigration Reform

President Barack Obama plans to push forward with his call for immigration reform in El Paso, Texas on Tuesday. For the last several weeks, the President has taken visible steps to move immigration reform towards the top of the agenda in Congress, holding a number of meetings with top Hispanic lawmakers at the White House […]

Recent Deportation Ruling brings Hope to Same-sex Couples facing Separation

News of the decision by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to halt the deportation of a man in a civil union is simultaneously drawing the spotlight on two hot button issues, immigration reform and the Defense of Marriage Act, and offering hope to same-sex couples threatened with separation. The Gay immigration rights movement is often […]

Obama Discusses Immigration Reform with Hispanic Lawmakers

President Barack Obama met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus at the White House on Tuesday for the third time in the last several weeks to discuss pushing immigration reform in Congress. “He is committed and will be leaning into this issue in a very serious and very vigorous way. We are upping the intensity on […]

Immigration Hall of Shame

Immigrants’ List (IL), a bipartisan political action committee, recently revealed the names of 10 Washington politicians who made it into their “Immigration Hall of Shame.” These politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are characterized as posing the biggest threat to fixing America’s broken immigration system. Congressman Steve King (R-IA) made the top of the list for […]

Brewer Statement on SB 1070 One Year Later

Saturday marked the one year anniversary since Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the controversial anti-immigrant law SB 1070 into law and placed the immigration debate front and center in American households. “One year after the signing of SB1070, I’m determined to fight for this legislation – all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary,” […]

Utah’s Republican Governor Defends Guest Worker Program

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) defended the guest worker program that he signed into law earlier this year after the state’s legislature passed it as part of an overall immigration package against GOP critics. “Being reasonable and being conservative are not mutually exclusive,” Herbert said in a statement in response to criticism from members of […]