Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Missouri Court to Rule on Rights of Deported Mother

This week, the Missouri Supreme Court is hearing arguments on a custody battle between a Guatemalan immigrant mother who is facing deportation and an American family who adopted her son through a private arrangement. In the spring of 2007, Encarnacion Romero was arrested in a raid at a Missouri poultry plant.  She was arrested and […]

Texas GOP Vows “Crackdown” on Illegal Immigration

The consequences of last Tuesday’s Republican victories are being felt not only on the national stage but on the state level as well. In Texas, 22 Democrats lost their state seats giving Republicans an overwhelming majority.  The first item on their agenda, the new lawmakers announced, is the “toughest possible crackdown on illegal immigration.”  Quoted […]

Appeals Court to Hear Brewer’s Appeal over Immigration Law

An appeals court in San Francisco will hear both sides of the debate over Arizona’s controversial anti-immigrant measure later today in deciding whether to uphold a federal judge’s ruling from July that blocked certain provisions of the law. In July, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton temporarily blocked some of the of the most controversial parts […]

Reported Email Alleges Arpaio Will Send “Army” to Block People from Voting Tuesday

According to America’s Voice, an advocacy group calling for comprehensive immigration reform, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has allegedly sent an email with the following message to his followers: “STOP ILLEGALS FROM STEALING THE ELECTION! Our grassroots army of VOTER FRAUD PREVENTION VOLUNTEERS will stand vigilant across the nation. We will be the first and […]

Study Finds Latinos Concerned over Discrimination and Divided Over Immigration

A report released by the Pew Hispanic Center on Thursday shows that concerns over discrimination among Latinos have increased from just a few years ago and slightly above half say undocumented immigrants should pay a small fine but not be deported. The percentage of Latinos that say discrimination is a “major problem” increased this year […]

Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote Struck Down

A three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded Tuesday that Arizona cannot require residents to show proof of citizenship in order to vote as it violates the federal National Voter Registration Act. The law which was authored by Republican State Sen. Russell Pearce, who also wrote the controversial anti-immigrant S.B. 1070, was […]

Panel to Hear AZ Appeal over Judge’s Ruling Includes Two Hispanic Judges

Two of the three judges that will hear the appeal by the state of Arizona and Gov. Jan Brewer of a judge’s ruling which declared parts of the state’s controversial anti-immigrant law unconstitutional, are Hispanic. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit announced the names of the three judges, Richard Paez, Carlos Bea […]

Californians Support Immigrants and Oppose Deportation

A new poll found that about half of all likely voters in California said immigrants are a benefit to the state and overall hold a positive view of them. In the Los Angeles Times/USC poll 59% of respondents also said that undocumented immigrants who have held a job for two years in the U.S. should […]

Whitman Loses Latino Votes Over Mishandling of Housekeeper Scandal

The campaign of California’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman took a blow among Latino voters, according to the first survey of Latinos to gauge the impact of the controversy over her firing of her undocumented housekeeper and disastrous handling of the matter afterward. “Among Latinos, it wasn’t so much that Whitman fired her,” Louis DeSipio, […]

Latino Lawmaker’s Office Targeted with Toxic Substance

The Tucson office of Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva received a package on Thursday that contained a white powder determined by police to be toxic. The envelope, which was marked with swastikas, was examined by local law enforcement including a hazardous material team and was turned over to the FBI. According to a Grijalva spokesperson, the […]